Check out the full itinerary of the Taiwan Trip 2013: 6D5N Taipei & Jiufen here
After a wholesome breakfast, we then made our way to Jiufen. Remember to pack as light as possible if you are planning to overnight there. It might take you sometimes to head up the hill/staircase with ur stuff to look for your B&B.
To get to Jiufen, you could take bus or train. We chose the first one and take the MRT (blue line) to Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 忠孝復興捷運站 which was where the old people spotted the Lao Cai Shui Jian Bao 老蔡水煎包. To take the bus to Jiufen, walk along the road and make a left turn, walk further a lil bit and you will come to a TASTy 西堤牛排, the bus station is located right in front of this restaurant. Follow the queue and take the Keelung Bus Company 基隆客运 1062 to Jiufen.
Sometimes, you may see some private drivers offer the ride up Jiufen here at the bus stop. This was what we took actually because we did not want to waste our time at the queue. The driver charged at NT$ 200 per pax and additional of NT$ 50 per pax for the pit stop we made as below.
1# The abandoned ore refinery – Thirteen Level Smelter or also known as Remains of Thirteen Level 金瓜石十三層煉銅廠

Continue reading Taiwan Trip Day 2: Yin Yang Sea 阴阳海, Golden Waterfall 黄金瀑布 & Windsor B&B 温莎堡日光涵馆