Legend Seafood Restaurant 品味海鮮餐馆
Located at Mahkota Cheras, Legend Seafood Restaurant 品味海鮮餐馆 is a great place for simple meal as well as huge reunion meal with friends and family. I have tried and tasted, two to three times; the dishes they dish up taste really delicious and filled with wok hei.
So if you are looking for Chinese restaurant to go with family? Perhaps this can be one to put into your list for your next family reunion

Legend’s Signature Pork Lard Rice 经典传统猪油渣电饭煲饭 (Rm 28)
A nostalgia flavour that one must try, so forget about your diet plan first and go for their signature’s Pork Lard Rice, served in the rice cooker, piping hot! There was a generous amount of pork lard in this pot of rice. Give a balance stir and start dishing out, yum!

Steam King Patin 巴丁王

Legend’s Signature Spanish Iberico Ribs with Salad Combo 西班牙黑毛猪排骨 (Rm 138)
Ohhh, yummy! The Iberico Ribs was packed with smoky flavour and the meat was pull-off-bone easily. Love it with the appetizing salad that served along with the iberico ribs, it helps to cut off the grease after savouring the ribs.
Continue reading Legend Seafood Restaurant 品味海鮮餐馆 @ Mahkota Cheras