Tell me. What can I do?Why aren’t there better choices for me to choose?! Oh my god.I have been in holiday for a year.I have wasted a year.I have wasted many precious times. I just can’t believe it.I am so abnormal.When can I be like …
With The Berry-licious Stories
Ms. SpongeWhat a long time unheard nickname. My friend, Khee used to call me that. Often, when she gives me long distance phone calls or messaging me or e-mailing me, she will call me Ms. Sponge. She gives me this nick name years ago. She …
微微的笑開心的笑開朗的笑強顏歡笑虛偽的笑假惺惺的笑開懷大笑得笑想念的笑戀愛的笑傷心的笑害羞的笑誠懇的笑安心的笑憤怒的笑 等等。。。等等。。。 身邊的每一個人在每一時刻都有不同的笑 那你察覺出來他們當時的笑是哪種情況的笑嗎﹖
Bad mood. Bad mood. I am really in a bad mood and anger keeps arising. Okay, don’t ask me what’s happening because I won’t tell. Everything happened in just a day and anger arises. I seldom pour my emotion here. Often, I will write only happening things or happy things or some quotations.
Today is different. I am writing about anger. I am wondering if this is the first time I angry for things. Normally I won’t get angry that easily. Am I right? Well, this time is different. At first I thought if I do all household chores non stop for this whole day, I guess my anger will disappear. However, the moments I do everything from laundry to mopping the floor and to cleaning the rooms. Anger keeps arising. Oh my!!! Why is this happened? What else can I do to release my anger?! Sigh…
Thinking… what else can I do now? Household chores are all done. Angry of things really waste my energy. I don’t want all my energy wasted for those! >.< Maybe I should do shopping this weekend or having a facial to cool down myself. Yeah, shopping might really help… Thanks to Xiong Khee, your voice really helps a lot.