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the never ending works

the never ending works

I really can’t believe myself. Everyday I have to deal with those reports. Just now I’ve mend one. I printed it out yesterday and very satisfied with my whole reports. This morning, the lecturer said this cannot that cannot, must add more, this and that, 

move on!

move on!

Finally, I got the chance to post my piece here. Life is tough. However, I still have to go on. I’ve started my new course since the beginning of July. A month passed. Awwww…. I have expected that it won’t be as easy as the 

Java?! What’s that?!

Java?! What’s that?!

What a big problem I am having now. Okay, I am trying to complete a piece of java assignment for my friend as the due date for this piece of assignment is soon arrived. Coming week, if I am not mistaken. At first, I thought this would be a simple question. Oh god. I believe that when I start up the JCreator. Gosh… what a hard piece this is. Searching for all the notes and extra information from the text book and settled myself in front of the computer now. However, I still can’t solve this whole question. How am I going to write out this program?! Anyone can help me??? Sob, sob, still sobbing…

* Sorry guys, for such a long time never leave any post here.



It has been a long time since my last post here. Let me count, almost a month?! Well, finally, I have started my course. It’s not what I always want. However, that can be said as my second choice (I think). Tired. I am extremely 



Thanks to my clumsinessThanks to my brainThanks to my mindThanks to my nervousThanks to my last minute stomach acheThanks to my ear Well, thanks to everything And I have boomed up my paperI really can’t believe thatBefore thisI was well preparedAndEnded up…… died on the 



Another difficult day for me
On coming Saturday

I have not prepare
For everything

This is so terrible
What if I panic
What if I can’t concentrate on the tape?
What if I can’t manage my time in reading?
What if I can’t think of any points to write?
What if I can’t speak?

Please help me
Please calm me down

I just can’t think of anything right now
I must get good grade
I must score

However, I
Haven’t do preparation



Tell me. What can I do?Why aren’t there better choices for me to choose?! Oh my god.I have been in holiday for a year.I have wasted a year.I have wasted many precious times. I just can’t believe it.I am so abnormal.When can I be like 

The Baton

The Baton

Well, thanks to Wen Ching who passed the baton to me. This is going to fill up my free time. ^^ My earliest memory…that I can ever remember is at the age of 4, I performed for kindi concert day at the concourse in Jaya 

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