Wen Ching’s final examination is over. Finally she has holiday after those hard and exhausted days, I m very happy for her as well as happy for myself too because I can call her out for meals anytime anywhere. *whheeehehehehe* so happy. [Hope you don’t mind, esiong]
It was Monday story and we both hit the Bangsar Village 2 after my class end at 1pm. Ahh… so happy and we both chatted non-stop in the car. Last time (1 ½ years back), dad used to bring us here (bangsar village 1). I love Bangsar Village’s Vallage Grocer a lot as they provide fresh greens and imported products from foreign countries. Smoothly, we made our way to this complex in just 15minutes.
At time, the Japanese food lover, Wen Ching suggested for Sakae Sushi as she discovered that there is a new outlet opened. Since I have not tried out Sakae Sushi before, I will give it a try (although I have had Jap food with my bro yesterday).

Sakae Sushi is more or less similar to Genki Sushi, Sushi King and Oh! Sushi. They have the same concept with sushi moving around on the train belt, serve a variety of dishes (ramen, bento, sashimi, sushi… you named it). One thing which is very different is that Sakae Sushi implants the high technology stuff — computers at most of the tables. That means, we are required to make order though computer.