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Oh-o. I got tagged by MeiYen for quite some times and now, here is my reply. Name one person who made you laugh last night?There were lots, Christine, Chris, Velix, and Yenz. What were you doing at 0800?Still in my bed (for today only) What 

Chin Hiong Restaurant @ Kampung Sungai Bakau

Chin Hiong Restaurant @ Kampung Sungai Bakau

It’s my turn to put review on Chin Hiong Restaurant (清香楼冷气海鲜酒家). This was my very first experience to dine with the food bloggers which turned out to be a real nice and enjoyable dinner but nervously with them. And I have got the opportunity for 

Special Bread during Tea Time

Special Bread during Tea Time

We were hitting for a lovely tea in one afternoon as my brother was noising and buzzing over my ears. Couldn’t stand him and Hence, we came over to Kedai Kopi Lou Hgau situated just on the left next to the BHP Petrol, Taman Connaught.

What a shame of me. For over 15 years I have stayed in Cheras and I have never visited this Char Shat. Brother brought me here. He said he wants something here and I eyed the small stall entitled “Special Bread” which is run by a lady. My curiosity aroused and was wondering how special they are, I hopped over and made a few orders.

We had the tuna bun which came in with lots of tuna spread, cucumbers and all packed in the toasted elongated bread. This bun was quite okay but priced at Rm 3 was bit expansive for me.

Next on, this was interesting. I have no idea what this is called as I pointed onto the menu with diagrams to order. This bread rollscame in 6 pieces where slices of white bread wrapped up ingredients and topped with of cheese before sending into the toaster.

Sausages and cucumbers with mayonnaise wrapped in toasted white bread topped with cheese. Continue reading Special Bread during Tea Time
Japanese Cottony Cheese Cake

Japanese Cottony Cheese Cake

It’s my time to bake again. The weather was cool and it rained for the whole Saturday morning. I was supposed to wake up at 7am and prepared all the ingredients for baking so I could have cakes for breakfast. Ended up, I was late 

Sushi Zen @ The Gardens

Sushi Zen @ The Gardens

Monday nite’s Text message (roughly like that): Christine: Happy holiday, your exam over! Want hang-out? Where you want to go? Me: Yep, papers done. Can relax. Hehe. I want hang-out but I have no idea where to go. Christine: I’m bored. Wanna go Mid Valley 

Simply snack

Simply snack

This would be a light post after all stressful days. Please forgive me if you found me not using really nice word to describe things. My brain works abnormally. Partly, it is greatly ‘damaged’ by the memorizing hard and partly, I need more rest.

While I was in Hartamas shopping centre, I found myself ‘treasure’ from Citi Super (I dun remember if spelled as City or Citi).

This Lotte Fondue is just Rm 2. (Sorry, I can’t read Korean. I guess Lotte Fondue is not the real name for this snack)

fancy the packing of Korean and Japanese products. They always have good printings, designs on the packing and that’s the way they ‘sell’ their products!

Café Latte Stick at the same price too. As compared to other supermarket, Citi Super offers some low-rate-items like Korean instant noodles, cookies…. at a great deal.

Another Lotte pineapple cream at just Rm 2.50.

Then while I was in Shojikiya, the Japanese Specialty store, I found this little cutie — Snoopy Magnet. The staff put them on the must-go-out rack priced at Rm 2. I have them magneted on the fridge over my class schedule.

The month’s special, Organic green tea powder at… — I forgot the price…
Anyway, I am now searching for recipe which I can use the powdered green tea.

いかピ一ナIka Peanut by Kasugai

This is what I love when I need a quick 2 minutes meal. Just pour the flakes over your white rice and mix. Fast, simple and easy.

Chelsea抹茶ミルク(matcha miruku) with カテキン (catechin) added and the right one yogurt scotch. Both are nice but I personally prefer the yogurt-flavoure candy. Priced at only Rm 2.90 which is 3ringgit cheaper than other supermarket.



Miss me yes?! Miss me not?! I’m back but I’ve ‘transformed’ into a panda with heavy dark eyes circles. Very Thanks to my last paper which was a disaster. With just less than 4 hours sleep a day before to memorize but those I memorized 

Final countdown

Final countdown

It’s the final countdown to exam. Oh my, I hate this lot. Tomorrow would be a nightmare for me. Tomorrow’s paper is the subject I hate most and it’s the subject I can’t do well the most. There’re still plenty to catch up, loads to 

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