I have been craving for chocolate whole day yesterday. It came in a sudden. So, I went looking all over for chocolate in house. Oh-oh. My giant chocolate jar with assorted chocolate was empty.
I remembered there is a packet of Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Cube I bought from Langkawi. But I couldn’t find it anywhere in the house. Mum has hid it away from me.
My craving for chocolate couldn’t stop and so, I ended up with Tiger’s chocolate cream sandwich cookies.
I couldn’t believe that until dad’s back. He brought these … … and you won’t believe how crazy he is.
Mountains of chocolate… erm… should be ladders of chocolate. Haha

There are Kit Kat and Cadbury chocolate bars in my house now but no dark chocolate. Well, these may satisfy my craving for some times if I am really out of dark chocolate.
I need to stock up dark chocolate when I do shopping. To prevent tracking down by mum, I think I need to hide them under my bed or in my closet =) Ha-ha, Just kidding!