Gosh, I am delaying post again. I am really very sorry about the delaying posts due to my very hectic time table which I could hardly cope or breathe through it. You will never believe how terrible my lectures and lab sessions are! I have lectures or labs from 8am to 6pm DAILY! In between, there are only 1 or 2 hours lunch break. At most only 3 hours break a day. Imagine how horrible it is and I am exhausted after classes (don’t think about revising and doing reports or homework anymore!!!). Honestly, I have the feeling that working is more enjoyable and relaxing than studying. Sigh sigh sigh…
Back on food, I think I really have to make this posted up quick and fast before getting “nags” by my 2 best-besties, Wen Ching and Ting Fang. It was after 2 days after my birthday, both of my best-besties brought me out for a belated birthday celebration. At first we planned to have a lunch together but ended up with an afternoon tea celebration for me!
Wen Ching and Esiong have choosen the place for us. We, who are the big fans of Green Tea agreed to have a drink in Ochacha which is located in The Gardens (near Isetan side).

The interior is green in colour suits the theme of Ochacha very much. It is just simple and refreshing.