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Prosperity in My Pocket ^^

Prosperity in My Pocket ^^

Chinese New Year atmosphere is in the air. The Thaipusum (did I spell it correctly?!) holiday, everyone must have outta for CNY goodies, clothes and preparation. I wish I could do a little shopping, joined the crowd out there and inhaled the air of CNY… 

Mei Chi Xuan @ Kota Damansara

Mei Chi Xuan @ Kota Damansara

It was another food bloggers meet up last month. This time we were heading to Mei Chi Xuan upon Sid’s invitation. Thanks Sid and also Chef Steven Cheng for preparing us a wonderful hearty meal. We truly enjoyed it. At first I thought we (Christine, 

Afternoon Tea Birthday Celebration @ Ochacha

Afternoon Tea Birthday Celebration @ Ochacha

Gosh, I am delaying post again. I am really very sorry about the delaying posts due to my very hectic time table which I could hardly cope or breathe through it. You will never believe how terrible my lectures and lab sessions are! I have lectures or labs from 8am to 6pm DAILY! In between, there are only 1 or 2 hours lunch break. At most only 3 hours break a day. Imagine how horrible it is and I am exhausted after classes (don’t think about revising and doing reports or homework anymore!!!). Honestly, I have the feeling that working is more enjoyable and relaxing than studying. Sigh sigh sigh…

Back on food, I think I really have to make this posted up quick and fast before getting “nags” by my 2 best-besties, Wen Ching and Ting Fang. It was after 2 days after my birthday, both of my best-besties brought me out for a belated birthday celebration. At first we planned to have a lunch together but ended up with an afternoon tea celebration for me!

Wen Ching and Esiong have choosen the place for us. We, who are the big fans of Green Tea agreed to have a drink in Ochacha which is located in The Gardens (near Isetan side).

The interior is green in colour suits the theme of Ochacha very much. It is just simple and refreshing.

Wen Ching had a warm Latte Signature Premium, where it was the Matcha (Green Tea) in steamed milk. Continue reading Afternoon Tea Birthday Celebration @ Ochacha
Turning on 22…

Turning on 22…

What a day! Turning on 22 is not an easy thing for me as I experienced serious trauma last year when I stepped myself into my 21st. good thing is that this year I didn’t suffer from serious ‘sick’ but still, there was a minor 

Simple Xmas ~

Simple Xmas ~

For some reason I like about year end:- We have holidays… There are Xmas and New Year celebration… There are eves’ night that we could do some count down with the crowds… There is lots of party to attend There is the coming of the 

Happy Year 2008

Happy Year 2008

Off to go, off to go…

I will be flying off to Langkawi few hours later. I should be happy at this moment because finally I can go for a vacation with my secondary school gang. Vacation! That’s what I need. However…… I am taking the risk in studies. I am skipping the 5 hours lectures on Monday. Gosh!!! This is so no good. I am feeling very guilty now… How?! Do I manage to catch up with the lectures?! I don’t think so as second year’s courses are very tough! No eyes to see… sigh…

Anyway, me gonna celebrate the New Year eve in Langkawi. This should be another great experience with friends…

Dear Readers, Friends, Food Bloggers & Bloggers,


Muacksss 🙂

Merry Xmas & Happy 2008 ~

Merry Xmas & Happy 2008 ~

It’s Christmas! There are Christmas decos everywhere, Christmas songs are in the air, and those freshly baked ginger bread house n ginger bread man… ohhh! What a great festive atmosphere out there! Dear Readers, Friends, Food Bloggers, Bloggers, May you have a wonderful Christmas celebration, 

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

It’s ‘Dong Zhi’ 冬至 (the Winter Solstice Festival) today! Happy Winter Solstice Festival to all of you. Ever notice what is this??? That’s the heavy stone mortar and below it was the grinded Glutinous Rice Flour with water in the white cloth packet. Mum bought 

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