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ShenZhen09 Day 2 Dinner: 面点王@Book City

ShenZhen09 Day 2 Dinner: 面点王@Book City

Continue from ShenZhen09 Day 2 Brunch: 湘鄂情 面点王 Mian-Dian-Wang is well-known as Chinese fast food chain in Shen Zhen. It is almost similar to those McD, KFC that appear everywhere; the only difference, 面点王 Mian-Dian-Wang serves Chinese Food rather than those fried and high calories 

Hong Kong Miu Kai @ Seri Petaling

Hong Kong Miu Kai @ Seri Petaling

Craving for Polo Bun?! There is one place selling one of the best Polo Bun — Hong Kong Miu Kai which is highly recommended by Sugar Bean. Located in Seri Petaling, Hong Kong Miu Kai is selling a variety of pastry besides serving food like 

Turning into…

Turning into…


My blog turns 4 this month!
That’s really fast…

So, What is special for this ‘big’ day?! I baked.

I baked the Cornflakes and Blueberries Muffins this afternoon.
They are milky, buttery and lovely.
(recipe will be uploaded soon)

I baked to…

Firstly, it is to celebrate my blog’s birthday! She is four, she is four, and she is four years old by now.

Secondly, it is to de-stress. I am kinda stress out these weeks.

Finally, wanna wish a few of them —
Jimmy Tham and Keith Chang who are in Australia,
and Li Shin who is in UK

— a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Hope you guys have a wonderful celebration~

ShenZhen09 Day 2 Brunch: 湘鄂情

ShenZhen09 Day 2 Brunch: 湘鄂情

Continue from Shen Zhen 09 Day 1 Dinner & Supper: AirAsia & 福建沙县小吃@益田村 . I am supposed to have dim sum for my very first meal on the very first day. Sadly, while we arrived at the place 西湖春天 and find that they were closed 

ShenZhen09 Day 1 Dinner & Supper: AirAsia & 福建沙县小吃@益田村

ShenZhen09 Day 1 Dinner & Supper: AirAsia & 福建沙县小吃@益田村

Back from Shen Zhen and I don’t wish to be home. Time was like fast-forwarding for me during the lovely home-stay in Shen Zhen. Well, I would never regret for cashing out my saving to purchase the air ticket and support myself with the limited 

Home, I don’t wanna come home…

Home, I don’t wanna come home…

Guess I have been away from the blog-sphere for quite some times (I’m out-dated). Well, I am back now! 😛

Friends List

Friends List

Friends TingieChingieKennethPhooi FunYanFrancisEu WyeYen NiEldredPhillipe LaiRoyChristineXiong KheeHai YuanJaneHai YuanAlvinSuk YenKwong FeiWei Yeeng

Happy Dragon Boat Festival

Happy Dragon Boat Festival

It is dragon boat festival again! Sadly, this year I am not able to celebrate this festival with my family. Thanks to the blogger. I can pre-schedule this post and let it to be published on the right time. Mum will never disappoint me; she 

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