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SOULed OUT @ Desa Sri Hartamas

SOULed OUT @ Desa Sri Hartamas

Birthday celebration continue from Max @ iHaus *Muackssss* To the people I loved mostTo my ji-mui(s)To sweetest best-ies… Me and My Best-ies – The R.I.C.E gang I was kidnapped on my birthday weekUp into Chris‘s car without them telling me where were we heading.They kept 

Kaki Bola @ Taman Segar, Cheras

Kaki Bola @ Taman Segar, Cheras

My perfect bowl of XO Fish Head Noodles must always come with fried fish, tomatoes, preserved vegetables (ham choy), handful of chopped scallion and the most important things – the soupy rich broth that is not overly sour, not overly milky but rich in a 

Yogurt Sponge Cup Cakes

Yogurt Sponge Cup Cakes

It’s Party Time and i must say, this is best as the party’s desserts!!!


Yogurt Sponge Cup Cake

This is a very easy recipe that i came across from Sonia’s blog (Nasi Lemak Lover). It is very simple, easy and takes you less than an hour to do the things. The best thing is – The yogurt Sponge cake is extremely spongy, moist and fluffy!!! besides that, it is very light and soft, not oily and not overly sweet.


During this CNY, i baked 3 batches for family and friends. glad that they had nothing to complain about this 🙂

I love this recipe very much. After baking, the cake did shrink a little but it won’t collapse. It remained where it used to be.


I too decorated them with chocolate ganache and peach cuts (to attract the little cousin :P) Continue reading Yogurt Sponge Cup Cakes

We Beer-ed at Craft Brews @ Mutiara Damansara

We Beer-ed at Craft Brews @ Mutiara Damansara

This round, W–E–E-E, the makan gang traveled a bit further. Exploring the PJ area, for some really good stuff – BEERS and PORK! This compatible match is something i will crave for them, always. Kampungboycitygal and Simon were there earlier butW-E joined in later, after 

Pho Hoa @ Tropicana City Mall

Pho Hoa @ Tropicana City Mall

I always thought, Pho Hoa, the Vietnamese restaurant is always originated from Viet itself… Not until I was told that Pho Hoa is actually originated from America!!! Pho Hoa, serving the authentic healthy Vietnamese Food is the largest Vietnamese Restaurant Chain in North America. Thanks 

Pastis Cafe @ The Gardens Mid Valley

Pastis Cafe @ The Gardens Mid Valley

Hi People, How’s your holiday and Chinese New Year Celebration???!!! had a blast? or there are more parties coming up soon???

The weather was extremely warm for the past few days. I escaped to Mid Valley City for window shopping. felt so great to be in the cool complexes.


I was happened to pass by Pastis Cafe which is located in front of the Isetan Gardens, and there was a big sign had my attention


Apricot Mille Crepe Cake is priced at RM 13.90. Since it’s now the cake of the month, it is half price = RM 6.95 ++ Continue reading Pastis Cafe @ The Gardens Mid Valley

Gong Xi Fai Cai & Happy V day!

Gong Xi Fai Cai & Happy V day!

It is CNY lor!!! As usual, I will be helping mum in the kitchen, baking our own home-baked CNY cookies for family and friends. And this round, I put on efforts to bake pineapple tarts. We dislike pineapple jam that selling in packs, hence, we 



It was one of my best-ies, ting’s Birthday last week I ‘wisely’ spent some of my brain cells to plan something for her, specially.I ‘quietly’ arranged myself to be at the mid of her party (thanks to AT for helps and arrangement).I specially bake her 

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