3 Places to shop for “Zakka” items in Tokyo

3 Places to shop for “Zakka” items in Tokyo

Who doesn’t love shopping in Japan?! Especially the newest make ups and skin care, latest health supplement, stationary and all sort of limited edition kawaii stuff. “Japan, just take all my money!!!” that is what I always said when I was in Japan. Recently, I 

16 Things to do in Nikko

16 Things to do in Nikko

Nikko is a small town that lead to Nikko National Park. A picturesque place, completed with Japan’s most astonishing shrine; the scenic lake; and it is best to come here in autumn for koyo! I was there in late September and it was just barely 

5 Things You Must Have For Your Vacation

5 Things You Must Have For Your Vacation

Who doesn’t like the sound of a vacation? Hardly anyone we presume. Giving yourself some much deserved time from the daily monotony of routine and just relaxing. Now, even the best of vacations have the tendency of going horribly wrong like you forgetting to pack 

TOKYO: Shiro-hige’s Cream Puff Factory

TOKYO: Shiro-hige’s Cream Puff Factory

Ahhhhh, so cute!!! How am I going to eat you?! Shirohige’s Cream Puff Factory

Things To Do In Takamatsu

Things To Do In Takamatsu

Takamatsu can be one of the most pleasant cities in Japan to visit. It doesn’t get the level of attention that we tend to devote to the bigger cities, and it certainly isn’t too packed with events or activities. But for those who like to 

Japan Trip 2017: 7D6N in Tokyo & Nikko

Japan Trip 2017: 7D6N in Tokyo & Nikko

I left my soul in Japan again! Time really flies when i was in Japan. Huhu… but at the same time, I am very excited to share with you guys what I did in Japan last week. Perhaps you can slip in some of them 

The Safest Countries To Holiday This Summer

The Safest Countries To Holiday This Summer

You should be able to head abroad on holiday knowing that you can sit back and relax with a colourful cocktail on the beach. The last thing that you want to worry about when you are on a holiday is whether your safety is at 

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