New Formosa @ PJ SS2

New Formosa @ PJ SS2

Right after our dinner, Christine and I came up with an idea on reviewing this restaurant. This time, I will try writing in Chinese while Christine will post it in English. (Yep, she has had her post published). 当天晚上,吃完了这顿饭后,这一次我和Christine 约好了,来一个‘华英配’。什么意思呢?!就是我将写一个华语版的,而Christine 就写个英语版的试吃活动。当然,这并不是完全翻译她的文章,我们的文章多多少少会有点儿类同,但是在语言那方面就不一样了。 今次很荣幸的被邀请到新宝岛餐厅,New Formosa Restaurant 一家道地台湾料理餐厅。谢谢Sid 

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