move on!

move on!

Finally, I got the chance to post my piece here. Life is tough. However, I still have to go on. I’ve started my new course since the beginning of July. A month passed. Awwww…. I have expected that it won’t be as easy as the 

Java?! What’s that?!

Java?! What’s that?!

What a big problem I am having now. Okay, I am trying to complete a piece of java assignment for my friend as the due date for this piece of assignment is soon arrived. Coming week, if I am not mistaken. At first, I thought 



It has been a long time since my last post here. Let me count, almost a month?! Well, finally, I have started my course. It’s not what I always want. However, that can be said as my second choice (I think). Tired. I am extremely 



Thanks to my clumsinessThanks to my brainThanks to my mindThanks to my nervousThanks to my last minute stomach acheThanks to my ear Well, thanks to everything And I have boomed up my paperI really can’t believe thatBefore thisI was well preparedAndEnded up…… died on the 



GoshAnother difficult day for meOn coming Saturday I have not prepareFor everythingListeningReadingWritingSpeaking This is so terribleWhat if I panicWhat if I can’t concentrate on the tape?What if I can’t manage my time in reading?What if I can’t think of any points to write?What if I 



Tell me. What can I do?Why aren’t there better choices for me to choose?! Oh my god.I have been in holiday for a year.I have wasted a year.I have wasted many precious times. I just can’t believe it.I am so abnormal.When can I be like 

The Baton

The Baton

Well, thanks to Wen Ching who passed the baton to me. This is going to fill up my free time. ^^ My earliest memory…that I can ever remember is at the age of 4, I performed for kindi concert day at the concourse in Jaya 

Ms. Sponge

Ms. Sponge

Ms. SpongeWhat a long time unheard nickname. My friend, Khee used to call me that. Often, when she gives me long distance phone calls or messaging me or e-mailing me, she will call me Ms. Sponge. She gives me this nick name years ago. She 

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