Harry Potter, the final

Harry Potter, the final

As soon as my class ended in this morning, I hurried to fetch Fang and we both rush to Carrefour mid valley to get out copies of Harry Potter, and the deadly hallows. Needless to say, everyone must have known about this hot book and 

work on Pre-Exhibition

work on Pre-Exhibition

Another job, another exhibition and yep, I have finished my job for this another exhibition. Miccos 07, the Malaysia International Commodity Conference & Showcase 2007 is held in PWTC on 3rd July to 8th July, from 9am to 9pm. I was there for the pre-exhibition 

Starbucks, KLcc

Starbucks, KLcc

Hooray, the final paper has just ended. That’s PNS- peripheral nervous system and I just don’t really like this subject as it covers physiology, pharmacotherapy, basic medicine chemistry and the clinical part. Part of it, I like only medicine chemistry part. Well, it is all 

Pre-Post on my Work

Pre-Post on my Work

I have worked for a week in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on the SMIDEX 2007 exhibition for the official contractor company, Cityneon. I had my great time there and found that this an interesting job. I learnt, communicate, make new friends, took meals with my 



Nightmare is soon arrived. My final examination is coming soon. I have 2 weeks of study breaks but one of the weeks already passed. This means, I left only 7days. There are altogether 5 subjects (PNS, basic medicinal chemistry, biostatistics, pharmacology, organic chemistry 2) I 

Aza Aza fightin ~

Aza Aza fightin ~

Schedule is getting hectic than ever. Kinda can’t breath through it. From the week after Chinese New Year holiday, I am going to face a test every week while my final exam is going to be on next month. Fast huh?! I hate exam. No 

3rd day of CNY~

3rd day of CNY~

农历新年哦!真开心。 每到这个日子,心里真的有无数无数的开心及兴奋。开心的是可以见到亲戚朋友,还有的是可以品尝到美味的佳肴,当然也少不了我最爱的假期了。[ps: 还有很多很多] 以往年一样,我们一大班中学旧朋友都会聚在一起,到各家去拜年。可以见回旧朋友真的很开心,但是一旦想到过几天某些将要会去aus 了,心里还有点儿沉重和不舍。今天才年初三。很多朋友都还在outstation还没回来。所以也只有几个家伙聚在一块儿。今年的拜年节目也分成两天来进行。这也好,要不然我可累死了。^^ 轻轻松松的一家去一家,坐坐聊聊的,tze leong 今天将会回去aus 了。一路顺风!说实话,今年的‘拜年习俗’没像往年那么有气氛,有点儿闷闷。也许是太少人了吧。所以我们很早就‘散会’了。更悲的是,我们连一张照片都没照到!这怎么可以呢?!不行呀,可要跟他们多点合照才行!看来我可要随时拿着相机,随时随便照照才行。要不可就错过了很多很美好的片断了。 由于太早回到家了,晚餐也就在家里解决。我的晚餐并没有什么山珍海味,但是有爸爸煮的爱心韩国泡面。爸爸下厨哦,少见!

In the Kitchen~

In the Kitchen~

好久好久没有post 点什么在这儿了。自从开学以来, 要面对考试,报告,功课,作业等东东,让我忙得喘不过气来。 终于在这天,没有情人的我,可以抽出点儿时间来写写文章。今天是众多情人的大日子— 情人节。先祝大家情人节快乐。对我而言,这一天是一个hmmm… 没什么而又是个孤独,孤单的日子吧。满街都是情侣们,为了避免自己想起自己那么孤独孤单,也只好锁自己在家。Aiks aiks… 再过几天就是农历新年了。以往年一样,新年前当然是要收拾家里,打扫家里, 来个大扫除,把不要的东东给丢去,也添添新的东西。当然在这个时候,也要大展身手,做我拿手的西式饼干, 好让亲朋好友尝尝。 看看,一大堆的厨房用具和材料。跟妈妈一同烘培,学到真的很多很多。 Butter cookies with chocolate chips,almond and pumpkin seeds 今年第一趟出炉的cookies , 外貌可能没那么好看,但味道可是很棒哦。 这是我100%亲自做的,almond chocolate bubbles 这叫London cookies. Hazelnut wrapped with cookies which coated with chocolate and sprinkles with almonds. 噹噹, 这是新鲜出炉的香喷喷的椰子饼。很难才做到那么美味的,可要很专心也要下足功夫。

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