Malayas Bistro @ CapSquare, KL

Malayas Bistro @ CapSquare, KL

You may think, Tapas is something that is only available in Spanish menu; Well, not really as you can get Tapas in Malaysian style here in Malayas Bistro, CapSquare.  Once I sat in here, I felt relax. I could just sit in here for the 

Restoran Sim Hap Ke 新口纪 @ Taman Connaught, Cheras

Restoran Sim Hap Ke 新口纪 @ Taman Connaught, Cheras

This is another restaurant where I used to frequent for great Chinese food spread with my family. Restoran Sim Hap Ke 新口纪, located at this busy food hub in Taman Connaught serves one of the Chinese chu char dishes that fill with wok hei.  Menu on 

Celestial Court 天宝阁 @ Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur

Celestial Court 天宝阁 @ Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur

为了配合渣打银行 (Standard Chartered Bank)的Extravagant 8 Menu promotion, Celestial Court 天宝阁坐落于Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur 也参与了这项优惠,好让持有渣打银行信用卡的用户以RM 888++ (一桌8位至10位)享用这一桌子美味佳肴。 说实话,天宝阁所准备的食物分量真的是好大。我们一桌子10人,可花了不少的“精力”去消耗桌子上的食物。 你准备好了吗??? 1. 三文鱼,鱼籽捞生 Yee Sang with Norwegian Salmon and Fish Roe 为了迎接兔年的到来,师傅动用了脑筋,使出小小的创意来完成它。看吧,一只雪白的兔子在绿绿的食材,犹如在草地上;花生宛如沙。而兔子上面的,犹如花,犹如云朵,就随你想象。可爱的兔子栩栩如生,够创意吧?! 之后,服务员会将其他的调味料,食材和三文鱼等,铺满兔子上。再浇上香油和酸梅酱,就这么演变成传统的捞生了。

Zing 晶苑 @ Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur

Zing 晶苑 @ Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur

续上一回的上海苏浙苑 Shanghai @ JW Marriott KL 后,这回我们来到晶苑 Zing , 坐落于Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur(就在Pavillion KL 旁的那家酒店)。 晶苑 Zing,也是渣打银行 (Standard Chartered Bank) 严选的其中一家餐厅,推出这Extravagant 8 Menu,好让持有渣打银行信用卡的用户,以 RM 888++ (一桌8位),享用这一桌子美味佳肴。优惠从 20 January 2011 至 17 February 2011 华丽堂皇。 喜气洋洋;铺满了红红的摆设,吊饰等等,就连餐桌上的摆设也十分的讲究。 不但餐桌上的摆设讲究,就连取的菜名也非常有意头。 1. 鸿运捞生 (三文鱼捞生)Yee Sang with Norwegian Salmon 比较正统式的捞生配料,铺满了比较传统式的材料。 红的,绿的,黄的,白的,袍成一丝丝;加上脆脆的饼,浇上香油和调味后的桃子酱和草莓酱, 还有一片片厚厚的三文鱼片。

Nagomi Valentine Lover’s Bento @ Nagomi Japanese Restaurant (なごみ)

Nagomi Valentine Lover’s Bento @ Nagomi Japanese Restaurant (なごみ)

Photos by Ai Wei Words by Wen Ching Another 3 weeks+ to Vday, have you start planning where to celebrate this special occasion with your loved ones???  Thanks to the warm invitation by Nagomi Shabu-Shabu, we got to enjoy Nagomi Valentine Lover’s Bento on the 

Shanghai 上海苏浙苑 @ JW Marriott Hotel, KL

Shanghai 上海苏浙苑 @ JW Marriott Hotel, KL

好久没有扑华文文章了,心血来潮之下,决定写一章。 自古以来,八(8),是华人最爱的号码。它的译音同等于“发”,带给我们发财,福气。。。今年,也因如此Standard Chartered Bank 特别严选了八家在巴生谷一带的华人餐厅,特别推出了Standard Chartered Bank Extravagant 8 Menu, 让持有 Standard Chartered Bank 信用卡卡主在特别的优惠下,跟家人朋友们一同品尝佳肴,一同迎接兔年。 上海苏浙苑,坐落于JW Marriott Hotel 的一楼。光看名字,就知道他们家是以江苏和浙江菜为主。室内装潢得古色古香之余,也带点了摩登的气味在里头。 捞生是华人新年间一定要做的事。边捞边念着吉利的字、词,互相的献上祝福给对方,希望大家在这一年捞得风山水起,有个开心快乐+“发发发”的一年。所以,第一道就是捞生 – 鸿运大捞生 Salmon Yee Sang。 在脆脆的饼上,铺满了一丝丝的菜等材料,再摆上新鲜的三文鱼片和雪白的扇贝;浇上香油,花生酱,芥末酱等秘制酱料,吃起来有犹如生菜沙拉似的,酸中带甜,是他们唤醒了我的味蕾。

Nathalie’s Gourmet Studio @ Solaris Dutamas

Nathalie’s Gourmet Studio @ Solaris Dutamas

Hooooooooooray, we were finally here. It was the last lunch of the year. We thought it would be great to have something find as a “closing ceremony” and conclusion for Year 2010. When Citygal texted me me, “Let’s go do lunch at Nathalie’s and then 

Hokkaido Ichiba @ The Gardens

Hokkaido Ichiba @ The Gardens

A brand new year, 2011. Let it starts with something sweet so that everything goes well and everyday goes sweet for the whole year… How about this Shio Caramel Waffle (Rm 9.80)?! Waffle with salt caramel ice cream, topped with butterscotch sauce, almond and pecan. 

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