The Brew Culture @ Plaza Damas 3, Hartamas

The Brew Culture @ Plaza Damas 3, Hartamas

Morning People, how was your long weekend?! A fruitful one? Hope everyone had great rest before the new week start. As usual, I went off for my standard weekly routine;catch up with the BFFs and go for a slice of sweet dessert paired with a 

Bone & Pot 有骨气 @ F&N Fraser Business Park

Bone & Pot 有骨气 @ F&N Fraser Business Park

Rainy days! What’s greater than having hotpot/ steamboat with piping hot flavourful soup and lots of “liew” in it?! Let’s Da Bin Lou! 打边炉

Yashi-No-Mi Japanese Café @ Wisma Cosway, KL

Yashi-No-Mi Japanese Café @ Wisma Cosway, KL

I didn’t know there are actually lots of hidden gems in this building, till a reader told me I should check out this place and try them out! Yashi-No-Mi Japanese Café is the humble little gem hidden in this building. There is an old school 

Bridal Shower; for the bride-to-be BFF ♥

Bridal Shower; for the bride-to-be BFF ♥

22nd September 2012 marked a very special day to her, and all of us. Our hard works paid off, in return to see her smile and laughter on her face. She is the bride-to-be, our BFF – Christine! ♥ ***

Top brew Coffee Bar @ Plaza Damas 3, Hartamas

Top brew Coffee Bar @ Plaza Damas 3, Hartamas

Updated on 29 December, 2012 Sunday . BFF . Coffee . Brunch

Wondermama; Oh-So-Wonderful

Wondermama; Oh-So-Wonderful

Old-school decors

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