Happy Dragon Boat Festival

Happy Dragon Boat Festival

It is dragon boat festival again! Sadly, this year I am not able to celebrate this festival with my family. Thanks to the blogger. I can pre-schedule this post and let it to be published on the right time. Mum will never disappoint me; she 



一周的春节就一瞬间的过去了。相信大家有个难忘,快乐且开心的假期。 除夕夜是我最期待的一晚。不但可以吃,也可以与亲戚们聚在一块儿。那种温馨的时光是令人最难忘的。除夕那晚的晚餐可是丰富极了。一般平时难以吃到的菜肴,都通通的再餐桌上出现。 餐桌上有。。。 大姨准备的焖冬菇肉丸。 姨姨的焖芹菜牙菇是大人们的最爱。 酸菜。 新鲜的蒸鱼。 小姨的野猪脚酸。 妈妈的拿手芋头扣肉。软绵绵+粉粉的芋头配上香喷喷的扣肉,绝配! 还有舅母烹的红烧东波肉,以馒头占汁,超赞! 其实还有些肉鸡等等,但,没机会照到~ 呵呵,提早发红包。。。真是不好意思,我竟让排那么前去拿红包。。。 更多的年菜,还有!!!我回继续的发关于年菜的帖子。。。(To be continue…)

From Mum’s Recipe

From Mum’s Recipe

Winter Solstice Festival is drawing near. As usual, we are going to celebrate this special occasion with all my family members, sitting at the round dining table for a good reunion dinner. Although Winter Solstice Festival will be coming soon at about 18days time, mum 

Blueberry Cheese Cupcake

Blueberry Cheese Cupcake

This is my second time on baking the blueberry cheese cupcakes. The first time baking turned out to be unappealing, unattractive and not looking pretty. So, after experimenting, eliminating some parts and changing the ingredients’ amount in the recipe, my big cuppies turned out great, 

The soft & fluffy Pandan Chiffon Cake

The soft & fluffy Pandan Chiffon Cake

This is a recipe given by my aunt. Mum and I experimented on it and did a lil’ change to this recipe. Well, it turns out to be superb after the changes. The Pandan Chiffon Cake is very ‘pandan-ry’ in flavour; the texture is extremely 

My De-Stress Remedy

My De-Stress Remedy

Shopping, eating and baking are always my de-stress remedy! Since my exam is drawing near and all my mid term tests ‘clump’ together in these few weeks, I really have no time to do some crazy shopping or dining out. What I could do at 

CNY Reunion Dinner

CNY Reunion Dinner

Dear Readers, how are you celebrating your Chinese New Year?! It must be a great celebration you all have and some even might still in the holiday! My CNY was okay but I have not have enough holiday as my class restarts today. This is 

Simple Xmas ~

Simple Xmas ~

For some reason I like about year end:- We have holidays… There are Xmas and New Year celebration… There are eves’ night that we could do some count down with the crowds… There is lots of party to attend There is the coming of the 

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