Author: aiwei

Trip @ Part 3

Trip @ Part 3

01 May 2007 This was our final day. Sis and I woke up at 7am. Both of us hurried to the beach while others still in their sweet sweet dream. Another photo shooting session began!!! *** Sob. Sad to leave the island. It has been 

Trip @ Part 2

Trip @ Part 2

V30 April 2007 We wanted a cable car ride which could bring us up to Gunung Mat Cincang. However it was too crowded and lined up with people. I have lined up for about ½ hour and when it came to my turn, the counter 

Trip @ Part 1

Trip @ Part 1

I had a wonderful trip in Penang and Langkawi on 28th April till 1st May with my aunt and her 2 children, her friends and my sister (who was here for a week vacation). We overnight a night in Golden Sands Resort (by Shangri-La), Penang and 2 nights in Holiday Villa located at Pantai Tengah, Langkawi.

28 April 2007

Stayed at the highest floor which was at 7th floor and here is the view from my room. Lovely, right?! I love the beach and the sea. Besides, the facilities of this resort were at my satisfactory. The sea view was great.

Penang is well-known with delicious and mouth watering snack. Ate ‘Ang tou bing’ (red bean ice kacang), char kuey teow, popiah (but not as tasty as those in KL cz it was kinda wet. There was soup in it), loh bak as our lunch. The ‘Ang tou bing’ from this shop tasted not good, my aunt’s friend brought us to try out the real nice pure cendol + ‘Ang tou bing’ sold at one kaki lima nearby. Unfortunately, I have no photos on those yummy dishes.

Here is what I got, a pic of Loh bak.

On the way to where we stayed, we stopped by to buy fried snacks.

The two above are pisang goreng.
The round is fried ‘lv dou gao’ (fried green bean paste)
The huge one is fried ‘nian gao’
As for dinner, we dined in the hawker center situated in the town center. Food was great! We had laksa, rojak and a variety of seafood like crab, clams and oyster. (sorry, no pics too). Then we headed to another place for drink. Well, the drink was… ahem… liquor. Hehe.


29 April 2007

We had local food, laksa for lunch which was the well-known stall near kek lok si (temple). Before we left, we bungkus this along. ‘mua zi’ also one of my favourite. It is made by glutinous rice along with pandan leaf syrup and sprinkled with crunched mixture of peanut and sugar.

By time, we took the 3.30pm ferry ride to Langkawi Island. The jetty at Kuala Kedah stinks. Disliked the smell of that place.

Arrived at the langkawi’s jetty kinda late. Let me count, the ride was about 1 ½ hours. Therefore we hurried to the duty free shops shopped for goods. Look at me, how excited I am. There were full of chocolates behind me. Hohoho~

Pineapple rolls

Pineapple rolls

Started my first day of holiday yesterday and in a sudden, I feel bored, very bored… this is the holiday I always want for but holiday will gonna be meaningless if I have nothing to do. To fill up my time, just simply write up 

Cheese from MengGu

Cheese from MengGu

看看这个,有圆的,有方的,知道它是什么来的吗? 也许没有人会猜到吧。这是刚刚从姐姐那里给带过来的。拿回来时,妈妈以为姐姐为我买了白巧克力,但是闻起来并不像巧克力味,而是一阵很大的奶酥味。妈妈闻了闻就邹起眉头, 因为她很怕这种味道。我想,也许是牛奶糖吧。很突然的,想起了姐姐曾经说过一些东东,才记起了这是来自蒙古的奶酪(Cheese)。姐姐记起我喜欢奶制品类的食物,所以特地从蒙古带到她那里,再从深圳那里带回马来西亚来。姐,辛苦你了。呵呵,这些奶酪可爱吧!它不像一般的 cheese。样子虽然不怎么样,但是味道还不错。一般人都不会喜欢它因为它的奶酥味很重。只有像我这样的‘怪人’+‘垃圾桶’才会欣赏它。蒙古的乳牛,吃的是绿绿的草,还在蒙古草原上漫步,吸得都是新鲜的空气,所以挤出来的牛奶真是美味无比。但它们的奶不像一般的,它们比较酥臊味。这正是我喜欢的。当我在深圳居住的那段时间里,每一天都必定要喝一杯 250克的牛奶,而特别要蒙牛牌的。就连它们家的 milk ice cream 都那么棒! 圆片或圆片有花纹的都很好吃,它们都有着水果的味道。而长方形的就输了一点。并不是很好吃。但是,身为‘垃圾桶’的我,怎么会放过它们呢???因为都是托阿姨带回来的,阿姨的孩子们吃了都拒绝这种 cheese, 相信再过几天,他们都会把雪柜里的 Menggu cheese, 通通都拿给我!呵呵。来者不拒!

Snack from Hat Yai, Thailand

Snack from Hat Yai, Thailand

These are the snack bought by parents from Hat Yai, Thailand. That is the mix of fried peanuts, fried dried chilies, ikan bilis and a kind of leaf as spices. Yummy~ I love the ikan bilis very much. The taste and the smell of the leaves are great. Even the peanuts have the taste of the leaves!


今天无缘无故地跑到 KLCC 去。严格来说并不是无缘无故, 而是早前看中了一个包包。考虑了很久,终于决定了想要得到它,所以才去。怎知我想要的那一款已经全部sold out 了。心中好苦闷。咦,恰巧碰到了 Japan Fair,包包可就没买了,反而带回来了一大堆的食物和零食。顺便也打包午餐回家吃。 这是Sun Moulin 的 Mattcha Muffin. 闻起来就有那阵浓浓的绿茶香味。放入口要下去时,口里盛满了绿茶味。真好吃。吃起来的口感是很 creamy 的。 这是 Isetan 的 Soya Milk Mattcha. 绿茶粉加入豆奶里,又香又富有营养价值。这是我到那里肯定会买的饮料。大家都知道绿茶是 anti-oxidant 食品之一,而豆奶是蛋白质含量高的食品。不妨多选用。 Conclusion,包包就没买了,结果还买了不止这两样的食物回家,还有很多很多。 >.



Nightmare is soon arrived. My final examination is coming soon. I have 2 weeks of study breaks but one of the weeks already passed. This means, I left only 7days. There are altogether 5 subjects (PNS, basic medicinal chemistry, biostatistics, pharmacology, organic chemistry 2) I 

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