I have read about this restaurant review from Sunday metro last week. While MSN in the middle of night, a friend of mine, Jimmy, kept telling me on food stuff and told me he has tried out the food from that particular restaurant. Since he said that the food served especially snakehead fish are yummy, I wondered, why not give it a try?!Hence, my stomach gone hungry and I tried to organize and messaged my friends late night and told them dinner at 7pm. Hope I never wake them up 😛
The dinner was supposed to be made on Wednesday; most of the guys are not free on wed so we changed to Tuesday instead.
As I didn’t know the way to the restaurant, I picked up Yan who was showing me the way to Jimmy’s house and fetched him. Three of us soon arrived at the Seri Kembangan at about 6.45pm and Jimmy started to order food while waiting. Meanwhile, me and Yan were like waitress, setting up the forks and spoons and tea over the table.
The next who turned up were Ken, and then Roy and gf. They were quite on time. However, the rest… we have waited for ‘quite some times’ and they finally turned up by 7.40pm. I never expect there were so many people until whole gang of guys turned up and we have two special guests too. The gang of us — me, Yan, Jimmy, Ken, Jian, Yee Meng, Ah Ho, Eldred, Roy and gf, LV, Wye and gf, Delicia (if I am not mistaken) sat together and had dinner.
The steam snakehead fish (sang yu or ikan haruan) is their signature and the best selling items here. There is no way we can miss out this dish.12 of us with 8 kind of dishes, 3 snakehead fish, 1 pork, 1 tofu, 2 vege, and 1 frog. Jimmy even asked them to prepare for large dishes. This is too over isn’t it?! The worst things was when the dishes were served, those guys kept shaking the table or poked their forks and spoons into the dishes. I couldn’t take nice cum clear picture on the food. *sad*

Steamed fish with giong yung

Steamed fish with soy sauce, topped with deep fried ginger shreds.

Fish cooked with giong chong. Continue reading Yap Yin Restaurant & Bah Kut Teh, Seri Kembangan