Author: aiwei

a Delicious lunch cum tea

a Delicious lunch cum tea

Ah Dred: *beep beep* want lunch? Me: [look at my watch — 11am] what time? where? Ah Dred: later, I need to settle my things. Where? You think. Each of us have made a long suggestion list but still couldn’t make up our mind. I 

Kwai Sam Kee Kopitiam @ Damansara Perdana

Kwai Sam Kee Kopitiam @ Damansara Perdana

Needless to explain much after Christine has done a fully description on our hang out day. We drove all over to Damansara Perdana for a serious shopping. Surprisingly, Yen and Leng both have spent a fortune on clothes and accessories. Glad that both of them 

Greenery Flowery in Ulu Yam (IV)

Greenery Flowery in Ulu Yam (IV)

Photo shooting was fun. I was holding my camera all day long to capture this and that. The view of this new village brought back memory on my dad’s hometown. I often went back to dad’s hometown while I was little. But now… once a year or once every 2 years.Here are some I captured nearby my uncle’s house.

They have the special name for these grass — 满地黄金(man di huang jin). People believe that this can bring more prosperous?!

Butterfly was resting on a flower and craving for nectar. I took a hard time to capture this with variety function and setting of my camera. Playing with my camera under the bare sun is not a good thing and I was exposed to the UV ray! This is going to stimulate more melanocytes in my skin which can make me darker. Ew…

Anyhow, I don’t really fancy butterfly. Imagine that they originate from eggs which turn into caterpillars. Continue reading Greenery Flowery in Ulu Yam (IV)

legendary noodles at Shang Kee, Ulu Yam (III)

legendary noodles at Shang Kee, Ulu Yam (III)

After the noodle-making-process, we went back to uncle’s house and waited for the arrival of my other aunts and uncles and their families. Big family huh?! They will be here for a half day trip and purposely came up to have the noodles ^^ they 

The Legendary Ulu Yam noodles (II)

The Legendary Ulu Yam noodles (II)

What is Ulu Yamfamous for?! Of course that’s the noodles! I am really happy to have an aunt whose hometown is Ulu Yam. She is … erm… how to say?! Well, she is well-known and knows a lot of people in Ulu Yam. I have 

A visit to Ulu Yam (I)

A visit to Ulu Yam (I)

Some were heading back to hometown while some were rushing down to the heart of KL on the eve of Merdeka night. However, a KL gal like me, mostly would have thought that I will be celebrating the eve night with whole bunch of friends and counting down together with the crowd, or maybe watching the well-presented fireworks in Putrajaya?!

Nope… not these. Instead, I went to my aunt’s hometown with my aunt and her family and spent a night off there. Weird enough huh?! Why am I not going to my parents’ hometown but my aunt’s one?!

Well, when a city girl stepped her foot into a village, everything will seems new and interesting to her. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that this was my first time staying in a village, but visiting village in new different places would be another fun and exciting experience!

My aunt’s hometown — Ulu Yam is about 45 minutes from Cheras. It’s quite a short distance compared to my dad’s one because it will take about 5 hours to reach dad’s hometown. Anyhow, this 45minutes drive seems long to me too! I felt so sleepy when traveled through the no-lamp-posts road. We drove passed a huge lake for water reservoir (I think), sadly, it was already late and I couldn’t have a chance for pictures.

I got a call from a friend after I arrived at the village and he told me that there are lots ‘seh chong she ngai’ (snake insect mouse ant — in Cantonese) around. Yes indeed, there were lots and I hate mosquito very much!!! After a while, we headed outta for supper. The Tong Lo Wan kopitiam nearby which is highly recommended by my little cousin brother was not opened. Sob-sob, then we chose the kopitiamnext door.

We had the ‘si ham’ (which I dunno what it calls in English).

I don’t usually take ‘si ham’ but I gave a try instead. It smelt not good (bit hanyir) but tasted heavenly good! It tasted like the oyster. And it went well with the chili sauce! Yummy~

My uncle sad the kopi-O in that kopitiam is very nice. It’s kinda late and afraid I myself would not able to sleep if I take the caffeine drink; hence, I opt for the ABC ice kacang. The enormous bowl of ABC ice kacang laded with lost of red beans, cincau, peanuts, the pandan agar-agar and syrups. ~cold~ the weather was cold and I still had this cold stuff. Continue reading A visit to Ulu Yam (I)

Old Town White Coffee

Old Town White Coffee

Old Town White Coffee is never new a new eatery for me. For over a year, I have been visiting Old Town quite frequently with my course mates (as there are not many choices to dine in nearby my uni). However, this is something new 



Having exam this week.2 tests a week.lots to study and memorize. hence,on hold on posting for a week.Ikssss!

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