Author: aiwei

Another Birthday celebration

Another Birthday celebration

Fans of LokLok, here you go, now you may have the chance to eat as much as you can (the eat-all-you-can concept)! Ooopps… nope, only for those who were invited to Yen’s party. Yay~ because, I was invited! Nice chandelier. Hmmm… This place looks posh. 

Happy farewell

Happy farewell

Farewell, my beloved physiology lecturer ms. Wong. Today is her last day in uni. She will be going to… (erm, I dunno cz I never ask for details *hehe*) A very strict person she is but sweet and nice too. I was in the kitchen 

Blackberry green tea frappucino blended @ Starbucks

Blackberry green tea frappucino blended @ Starbucks

With the caption “Rediscover the love of green tea with a modern twist”, Starbucks is introducing new drinks again — Blackberry green tea frappucino blended cream and green tea latte. (erm, are they new? I am not really sure since written –‘rediscovering’). But I was attracted by the eye-catchy poster and huge word ‘Green tea’ printed on it.

So, why not give it a try on their new drink?!

While Yum cha-ing with my 2 sistas on last Friday, I had myself a Blackberry green tea frappucino blended without cream. First sip, hmmm… weird… second sip, hmmm… okay. Third and so on… acceptable lar~

However, I didn’t really fancy the combination of blackberry with green tea. The candy-like-flavour concentrated blackberry syrup covered the green tea taste. Erm, what else can I say — still acceptable.

One of my sistas had the classic mocha blended with cream while the other had just green tea. Hanging out in Starbucks is really costly, but I managed to get one of the sistas paying for my drink. *wink*

Caramelized Almond Crisp?!

Caramelized Almond Crisp?!

I guess that’s the name for this? Mum and I were searching for almond crisp recipe for quite a long time. We love almond crisp a lot and we could only have it during Chinese New Year. Weird… almond crisp only on sale during CNY 

A Birthday Treat @ Marmalade Cafe

A Birthday Treat @ Marmalade Cafe

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to KHEE!!! Yep, it was Khee’s 21st this year. Needless to say, being a ji mui(s) of hers, could I not celebrate the big day with her?! Me and Christine made plan for her big 

Sausage bites @ Pizza Hut

Sausage bites @ Pizza Hut

This is a kinda back-dated post. My youngest brother had been bugging me to try out Pizza Hut’s dip-licious for quite some times. But I was all the time ignore his request. On one evening, I had just no-idea-why I brought both my brothers to Pizza Hut.

Since I had taken something at home before deciding our dinner at pizza hut, we ordered the Cheesy-bites dip-licious meal set 1. The set came along with 2 bowls of soup-of-the-day, 2 glasses of coke, garlic bread and the regular size of sausage bites dip-licious pizza with Hawaiian Supreme as the topping.

Soup-of-the-day and coke. Well, I don’t really fancy their chicken soup and it was quite ‘diluted’.

*hehe* we just love the parmesan cheese in our soup.

Here’s the garlic bread. Soft, fragrant and yummy. Best dipped with the creamy soup but I prefer mushroom soup to this chicken soup.

When the waiter introduced me the extra charges on something, I didn’t take it because I couldn’t hear what she was explaining (the place was really noisy and crowded at that time). I didn’t know that they actually charged extra Rm 3 for the cheese on the sausage bites.

The presentation of the pizza was nice but… it didn’t taste good. The sausage bites were rather hard and tasteless (just like the hard bread wrapped up with the normal frozen sausage). Another thing was that barbeque cheese dip had nothing special on it. The diluted cheese dips in orangy colour didn’t look good at all. It couldn’t compete with the creamy cheese fondue I had in Marche before. However, The Hawaiian Supreme pizza (the middle part) satisfied us.

Overall, we were satisfied with the service during dinner time. Our order came quick and well prepared fast. And I still find that it is the safest to choose classic types of pizza.

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Sumo’s Crispy Waffle

Sumo’s Crispy Waffle

I went out for a movie with Khee last Tuesday in Jusco Cheras Selatan (JCS). Both of us did not have good appetite on full course meal. I myself was craving for something sugary. Hence I bought khee the Sumo’s Waffle where the small stall 

Rakuzen’s Sunday Lunch Buffet

Rakuzen’s Sunday Lunch Buffet

This was our first small-gathering after Khee is back from India for her holiday. I drove over to Yen’s house for a meet-up and thanks to Chris for driving us to the dining place. Once Khee had herself into the car, she kept telling us 

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