This was gal-day-out with Ting Fang, one of my best-ie. She stayed quite near to my house and the distance traveled to her house takes only 10 minutes by car. But… I have yet seen her for more than 6 months. How can that be?! She can really ‘abandon’ me when she is busy with her uni life. Soobz…
Anyway, she is now holidaying. But my classes have resumed. Sigh… my holiday end so fast. I haven’t even enjoyed it and another semester started. War is beginning!!! I meant war with books and battles with hectic time table (practical and lectures). Anyhow, I will try sparing more time for friends.

Soon, we hung out in One U last Thursday. Christmas is soon arrived and there is heavy Christmas atmosphere in every corner. This adorable toy soldier had my attention. One U is decorated with a very special theme, toy soldier (toy-story-liked) instead of those tall huge big normal Christmas tree.

Time for lunch. When we passed by Delicious, we were ‘magnet-ed’ to the heart alluring dessert chiller with gorgeous looking dessert displayed. The place was almost full house at 12pm. Well, that was still early for lunch.

We were lucky to be seated at table 108 (a nice number).
Continue reading Sweet Lunch @ Delicious Cafe