Author: aiwei

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

happy Winter Solstice Festival !

It’s ‘Dong Zhi’ 冬至 (the Winter Solstice Festival) today! Happy Winter Solstice Festival to all of you. Ever notice what is this??? That’s the heavy stone mortar and below it was the grinded Glutinous Rice Flour with water in the white cloth packet. Mum bought 

Xi-Men-Ting @ South City Plaza

Xi-Men-Ting @ South City Plaza

It was another day out with Christine again. The mission this day was to ‘transform’ my long wavy hair to a trendy stylish one. And here again, Christine brought me over for a new hair cut. Thanks, Leng. Before that, we were loitering while figuring 

Sweet Lunch @ Delicious Cafe

Sweet Lunch @ Delicious Cafe

This was gal-day-out with Ting Fang, one of my best-ie. She stayed quite near to my house and the distance traveled to her house takes only 10 minutes by car. But… I have yet seen her for more than 6 months. How can that be?! She can really ‘abandon’ me when she is busy with her uni life. Soobz…

Anyway, she is now holidaying. But my classes have resumed. Sigh… my holiday end so fast. I haven’t even enjoyed it and another semester started. War is beginning!!! I meant war with books and battles with hectic time table (practical and lectures). Anyhow, I will try sparing more time for friends.

Soon, we hung out in One U last Thursday. Christmas is soon arrived and there is heavy Christmas atmosphere in every corner. This adorable toy soldier had my attention. One U is decorated with a very special theme, toy soldier (toy-story-liked) instead of those tall huge big normal Christmas tree.

Time for lunch. When we passed by Delicious, we were ‘magnet-ed’ to the heart alluring dessert chiller with gorgeous looking dessert displayed. The place was almost full house at 12pm. Well, that was still early for lunch.

We were lucky to be seated at table 108 (a nice number).

Continue reading Sweet Lunch @ Delicious Cafe

Sushi Zanmai @ Gardens

Sushi Zanmai @ Gardens

It was another girls-day-out. Me, Christine and Yen were heading to Mid Valley to have a check out on new products. When it’s time for lunch, we just walked over to Sushi Zanmai at Gardens as planned. Why?! That was because we had a cut-out-coupon 

Red Box Plus @ Pavilion KL

Red Box Plus @ Pavilion KL

I love singing, and so do my friends. Red box used to be our frequent hang out place but not until this year, we are all busy with studies and assignments. When my singing kaki, Dred overjoyed and told me about the newly open Red 

Let’s Bar-B-Que!

Let’s Bar-B-Que!

Aiks, this is another back-dated post again. Yep I am in my holiday now and I must be free right?! But then how can I not writing my post frequently?! The reasons… firstly, I am not able to ‘go near’ to the computer. Youngest brother is in his holiday now and he uses comp. everyday for games. Then when second bro back from college, he needs it for his homework, gaming and facebook-ing. Begin the eldest me have no chance to ‘touch’ my computer at all. Conclusion, I have a lot of very back-dated post to type. Sigh… and I can only use the comp at midnight or when everyone is sleeping.

Back on food, this was the time me, my dad and youngest bro visited Bar.B.Q Plaza and we were going to barbeque out food. Where’s mum?! Well, she was busy shopping with my aunts.

Once we were seated, we were served with these…
There were lard on the above left; next to it was their special sauce. From the bottom left plate was the green chili flakes, lime and also chopped garlic. Their special sauce became incredibly appetizing after the additional of right amount of green chili flakes and lime and garlic into it. I prefer the sauce to be lil’ sourish so added more lime juice into it. 

As for the lard, it was used to oil the pan (functioned as cooking oil). Continue reading Let’s Bar-B-Que!


I have been craving for chocolate whole day yesterday. It came in a sudden. So, I went looking all over for chocolate in house. Oh-oh. My giant chocolate jar with assorted chocolate was empty. I remembered there is a packet of Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Cube 

New Formosa @ PJ SS2

New Formosa @ PJ SS2

Right after our dinner, Christine and I came up with an idea on reviewing this restaurant. This time, I will try writing in Chinese while Christine will post it in English. (Yep, she has had her post published). 当天晚上,吃完了这顿饭后,这一次我和Christine 约好了,来一个‘华英配’。什么意思呢?!就是我将写一个华语版的,而Christine 就写个英语版的试吃活动。当然,这并不是完全翻译她的文章,我们的文章多多少少会有点儿类同,但是在语言那方面就不一样了。 今次很荣幸的被邀请到新宝岛餐厅,New Formosa Restaurant 一家道地台湾料理餐厅。谢谢Sid 

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