Author: aiwei

When mum is out of town 2: Yaki-Yaki Japanese BBQ Buffet Restaurant

When mum is out of town 2: Yaki-Yaki Japanese BBQ Buffet Restaurant

50% off! Excited e?! We were super excited after reading this flyer and planned to dine in and try out their dinner. Right away, we called up for reservation. It was fully booked for the night but they do accept walk-ins. Hence, my family and 

When mum is out of town 1: Espressamenteilly @ BV1

When mum is out of town 1: Espressamenteilly @ BV1

Mum spent her weekends in Bangkok last week with aunt and friends. She shopped, spent in fine dining as well as BKK street food. Once she got home, she kept telling me about the place, the food, her shopping… from morning till night since Monday! 

A Mei Star Tour in KL

A Mei Star Tour in KL

I can’t believe I have made myself to thissss…

Right after I woke up from the nap in late evening at 6.25pmringgg…

Friend: Wei, I have 2 tickets to the concert. Are you interested?!
Me: Really?! Yes I am in. hold on, you don’t want to go?!
Friend: oh, this is extra and no one in my family wanna go. I am going to sis and family with the other 4 tickets I have.
Me: yes yes, I want! One for me please. Are we sitting together?!
Friend: No…
Me: Har?! Then me alone sitting there?!
Friend: that’s why I am telling you, I have 2tickets, you have to bring another friend.
Me: oh gosh!!! Where can I get another friend to go?!
Friend: ask your bro larrr

And yep, my youngest bro agreed to go with me…


Here we go

To A Mei’s Star Tour Live In Malaysia!!!
(This concert is proudly present by Hotlink and Munchy’s)

Yada yada yada… with the un-ready feeling and mind, I was here at Stadium Bukit Jalil. I was so unprepared, I had not practice to sing her song… gosh, hopefully I could sing well along with the crowd!

A Mei’s concert started sharply at 8.45pm by a guest singer from Malaysia. She jumped out from the stage at 9pm sharp and sang for 3 hours!!! In between, she is touched and cried for a few times. Especially the time she was singing 记得 with the crowd. She nearly emotionally couldn’t recover. She said we sang well :p

For me, the greatest thing was — I actually got VIP seats. It was just about 10 rows away from the stage. She is really good in single. Although she has sang for hoursss, her voice was still very stable and powerful! As for the crowd… there were noise and shouts and cheers and…… it was merry and happy!

Here are only few photos I had as we were actually not allowed to take photos.

A Mei on the Big screen Continue reading A Mei Star Tour in KL

Canton-i @ The Gardens

Canton-i @ The Gardens

I have not been up on blogging for quite a long time. Guess I have missed out a lot of stuff. Firstly, have to wish WeiZhi a happy belated birthday. Secondly, gonna spare a little time to catch up with my favourite blogs! Ahh… too 

… errr …

… errr …

Dear readers, It has been a long time since my last updates. Please forgive me as I am busy preparing for the tests on next week and those never-ending workloads, reports and assignment. Oh my… I have 4 tests in a row on next week 








香喷喷的巨虾 x 2 大盘。 Continue reading 春节的最后一顿团圆饭



~没有什么华丽的食材,也没有特别多款式的菜肴,能和一众人聚在一块儿,是幸福快乐的事。~ 过了一个晚上的除夕团圆饭,一众人决定来点儿清淡的。在这儿‘清淡’的意识,是要多点青菜,少点肉类,以便帮帮清肠胃。 所以,大年初一的晚饭就有了几道色香味俱全的佳肴。 妈妈准备的京都肉。   舅母的甜丝丝(五颜六色的菜) 大姨的酸菜肉丸带着另一番风味



一周的春节就一瞬间的过去了。相信大家有个难忘,快乐且开心的假期。 除夕夜是我最期待的一晚。不但可以吃,也可以与亲戚们聚在一块儿。那种温馨的时光是令人最难忘的。除夕那晚的晚餐可是丰富极了。一般平时难以吃到的菜肴,都通通的再餐桌上出现。 餐桌上有。。。 大姨准备的焖冬菇肉丸。 姨姨的焖芹菜牙菇是大人们的最爱。 酸菜。 新鲜的蒸鱼。 小姨的野猪脚酸。 妈妈的拿手芋头扣肉。软绵绵+粉粉的芋头配上香喷喷的扣肉,绝配! 还有舅母烹的红烧东波肉,以馒头占汁,超赞! 其实还有些肉鸡等等,但,没机会照到~ 呵呵,提早发红包。。。真是不好意思,我竟让排那么前去拿红包。。。 更多的年菜,还有!!!我回继续的发关于年菜的帖子。。。(To be continue…)

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