Author: aiwei



Imagine…It was a sunny day with cool breezeYou were sitting by the flowery gardenwith rose bushes, tulips, sunflowers and some petite wild flowers Imagine…On the pretty Victorian style white garden tablePlaced the classic and hand painted bone china tea setWith English Earl Grey tea in 

Xian Ding Wei Taiwanese Xpress 鲜定味台湾快餐 @ Sg. Wang

Xian Ding Wei Taiwanese Xpress 鲜定味台湾快餐 @ Sg. Wang

We seldom come over here; therefore, we always find it hard to think of what to have for lunch. Since there are few unfamiliar restaurants stood on the newly renovated area at the IT level, we randomly picked one for a try. Xian Ding Wei 

Karl’s Beisl @ Solaris Mon’t Kiara

Karl’s Beisl @ Solaris Mon’t Kiara

Before this, I knew nothing about Austrian cuisine except the famous Apple Strudels I read from a food Magz.

But now, I learned more about Austrian culture. It is not just Apple Strudels alone that are the well-known thing from Austria, but also their winter sport – ski; the beautiful art and culture – ballet, dance or Waltz; the music – Violin, the national flower – Edelweiss, the national costume of Austria for men – Lederhosen. These are all represented in the painting of Austrian King Emperor Franz Josef.


Many Many Thanks to Karl’s Beisl for an invitation over to sample some real authentic Austrian dishes along with the other food lovers.


Here at Solaris Mon’t Kiara, Karl’s Beisl is opened and operated by Karl, an Austrian guy who resides in Malaysia.



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Korean BBQ Seoul Garden @ Kuchai Entrepeuners Park

Korean BBQ Seoul Garden @ Kuchai Entrepeuners Park

I love Fridays, always, as i get to hang out with my Makan Kaki for some real food and chilling out after some tough weekdays. Kuchai Entrepreneur Park for its well known blooming food hub has now become our choice for food exploring. We chose 

RT Pastry House @ Taman Danau Desa

RT Pastry House @ Taman Danau Desa

One of our Mottos: We can never end our meal without some sweet stuff 🙂 Hence, we drove over here for some ‘sweeties’ after the Udon at Sanuki Udon. Japanese Pudding (RM 5) – the egg custard was slightly on the sweeter side. This was 

Yogurt Blueberry Muffins with Lemon Crust Sugar

Yogurt Blueberry Muffins with Lemon Crust Sugar

I woke up unusually early to make some fresh bakes for breakkie.


Main ingredient of the day: Blueberries – with strong antioxidant properties 🙂


and turned everything into fresh baked yogurt blueberry muffins


These muffins had the tangy lemon flavour due to the lemon crust sugar Continue reading Yogurt Blueberry Muffins with Lemon Crust Sugar

Sanuki Udon @ Taman Bukit Desa

Sanuki Udon @ Taman Bukit Desa

Newly updated on 6 April 2013 It was a heavy downpour last Friday. I love downpours but not the massive traffic jam after the downpour. We planned for early dinner but in the end, a late one as kampungboycitygal and Chris&Christine were stuck in jam 

Cafe Stelle by Raffles @ Pavilion KL

Cafe Stelle by Raffles @ Pavilion KL

A perfect Saturday afternoon with the girls – gossiping and shopping without their guys tagging along. After some crazy shopping, we finally ‘landed’ here for a little of soul and mind relaxation. Cafe Stelle by Raffles Sitting elegantly and classy in front of some posh 

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