Yue Liang Yuan, Yue Liang Yuan, Yue Liang Zhao Zai Wo De Jia…

The radio stations are starting to play this song or some songs related with the moon and mid autumn festival.Besides that, you can see the shopping complexes or the supermarkets are now having mooncake promotion!
This year, Toh Lee Chinese Restaurant @ Nikko Hotel has something different for the mid autumn festival – the additional of 5 Basic key elements into the mooncake.
Each element is represented by specific colour, bringing harmony and auspicious overtones for this celebration.

(From Front to the Back)
Mini Pumpkin Paste with Cream Cheese and Gold Dust
Mini Durian Paste with milk Cream
Both are in white represent METAL element (or gold). Metal indicates harvest, business and success (financial).
Mini Green Tea Paste with Single Egg Yolk
Green in color represents WOOD element. Wood is creative and innovative, socialable and community minded.
Very strong and intense with green tea flavour, something I love 🙂
Mini Bamboo Charcoal and Egg Cream Paste with Silver Dust
Black in color represents WATER element. Water nourishes all living things. Water indicates travel, communication, and learning; also relates to literature, arts and media.
You May think why water isn’t in blue color?! Well, that’s the real colour behind the water in the five elements.
Mini Japanese Anko Paste with Rose Flavour
Pink in colour represents FIRE element. Giving energy and enthusiasm, an element of natural leader, brings warm and cheers too.
Chocolate Paste with Mixed Nuts.
Brown in colour represents the EARTH element. Giving stability and related to real estate and legacies. Earth is patient, just, honest and methodical.
It was real chocolaty and there were chunks of dark chocolate and mixed nuts in the mooncake.

Best of all, the mooncakes are non sweet 🙂 Continue reading 5 Element Mooncakes @ Toh Lee Chinese Restaurant, Nikko Hotel