It was one good Sunday, with cool breeze and rains nonstop (for > 12 hours; end of January and everyone was complaining on the weather, remember when it was???).
We had a pre-birthday celebration for her – our pretty bestie who glows a lot lately.
She opted to have a hearty brunch at Jarrod & Rawlins, to be seated at the open garden and enjoy the great Sunday…
It was really a great idea… minus out the rain and we weren’t able to have our seats at the courtyard.

1. Raining… we could only hide ourselves under to roof.
2. Can’t help ‘ spying’ on him! He is soooo Cute!
3. His toy.
4. Gloomy sky + Rain…

Cappuccino (RM 9) to keep me warm.

Swiss Chocolate in Hot Fresh Milk (RM 10.50)
Continue reading Birthday Brunch @ Jarrod & Rawlins, Damansara Heights