Martell Single Cru Masterclass @ Private Chamber

  • Sumo

I am not too much of a cognac person but after this Martell Single Cru Masterclass, I am kind of … changed! I never thought cognac can be this WOW. All three of them have very distinctive flavour profile. Each of them comes with own personality, very unique and you will immediately find out which one suit your tastebuds more!

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Martell Single Cru Masterclass

The Martell Single Cru collection is crafted with eaux-de-vie from a single terroir, revealing the distinctive taste and unique characteristic of each individual terroir.

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With my partner-in-crime, we signed up this masterclass with The Chamber that happened on one of the weekdays’ afternoon. It was an unforgettable experience to be seated inside the Private Chamber and this session is led by the brand ambassador Mr. Eloi. Throughout the session, we learned about the details of each of the new Martell Single Cru and savoured each pour as well as the amazing aged Single Cru XO Grande Champagne.

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Martell Single Cru Masterclass (3)

Lovely the beautiful table setting for this event. Beautiful and elegant.

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Martell Single Cru Masterclass (2)

Such a delicious welcome drink – cocktail made with Martell! I couldn’t hold myself from sipping the citrusy and addictive drink, continuously.

Mr. Eloi even brought in the very heavy soil sample of the three terroirs, told us how the differences of the soil gave the characteristic to them.

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The reddish clay and limestone soils in Fins Bois cru give the hints of freshness and lightness to the eaux-de-vie.

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The heavy clay and limestone soils of the Borderies cru produce such an elegant characteristic.

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The greyish, chalky soils of Petite Champagne gave the fine, structured eaux-de-vie with the long lasting aftertaste.

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Single Cru Fins Bois was extremely lovely! Super love its citrusy note with the lemon, grapefruit, peaches scent overflowed into my mind. I couldn’t stop swirling and sniffing the glass! First sip, I was sold. This first sip totally changed my mind and tastebuds towards cognac. Very light, fruity and easy going. Single Cru Borderies was a little too oaky to me. The taste was woody and filled with some spices. Single Cru Petite Champagne came with a hint of spiciness and a long after taste lingered round the oral cavity; with cherries and berries note. Quite a complex one!

If you ask me which is my favourite, my first one is definitely the Fin Bois that is loaded with so much of citrusy aroma, very rich in fruitiness. The second goes to Petite Champagne and final one the Borderies.

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Martell Single Cru Masterclass (19)

Martell Single Cru Masterclass (20)

Lastly, the Single Cru XO Grande Champagne with more than 40 years of age; appeared in golden copper colour. Very balance, fruity with soft spices. Extremely delicate and elegant.

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Martell Single Cru Masterclass (15)

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With the partner-in-crime.

Martell Single Cru Masterclass (1)

So glad to see familiar face over here! One with JingRu and Mr. Eloi.

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