Tai Thong Seafood Restaurant @ Taman Pertama, KL

  • Sumo

Back to my peng leng jeng series! This round I found another peng leng jeng zi char place in Cheras or near Cheras (Taman Pertama is considered quite cheras gua)!

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Tai Thong Seafood Restaurant 大同海鲜饭店

Located at Taman Pertama, Tai Thong Seafood Restaurant is a no frills Chinese zi char place that serves really delicious and flavourful plates, come with great wok hei too! Dining in here is really affordable. Extremely peng leng jeng I tell you guys. I have visited twice and on average, by pax is about Rm 25 or less and you get fish, vege, meat and tofu as a full meal.

The first visit, four of us had the steamed fish bak suk gung, signature tofu, gu lou yok and a kangkung, the bill came up at about Rm 100. On our second visit, there were six of us. We ordered 5 dishes that included Steamed Fish and siong tong lala; the bill was only Rm 142.

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Hand written menu on the board. The captain will introduce you dishes when ordering too.

Weekdays and weekends, this place is really crowded. Be sure to come earlier to chop table or you may have to end up standing at the roadside to wait for a table. I guess they accept reservation too, as I saw vacant tables with “reserved” sign. And… if you don’t mind sitting by the roadside to dine, here is really the place you can always go with your family. I believe Chinese families would love the dishes here a lot!

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Stir-fry Kangkung with Belacan 马来风光
Our usual order of kangkung belacan no matter where we dine in; theirs was quite good and filled with wok hei.

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Steamed Bak Suk Gung 清蒸白须公
This steamed fish was only less than Rm 50 to feed the four of us!! That’s how affordable! Although the meat was not super smooth the one we always like to go , it was a great steam dish!

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Signature Tofu 招牌豆腐
There were bits of dried squid (?) inside the tofu! Quite an addictive stuff.

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Sweet and Sour Pork 古佬肉

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Assam Tofu 亚叁本地豆腐
Ohhh gosh, that gravy was superb! Sourish savoury! Gimme more rice please! It was very addictive, made me down the gravy with more white rice!

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Steamed Tilapia with Chili Bean Paste 酱蒸非洲鱼
Clean with good flavour. The gravy was also another factor for more rice top up! The steamed fish was nicely cooked and the chili bean paste was great!

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Crispy Pork Belly 脆皮花腩
Must order! Thin slices of pork belly, deep fried into thin perfection and coated with thin layer of caramelized sweet sauce, and garnished with sliced raw onion. Very crispy delicious! It was really good.

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Siong Tong La La 上汤啦啦
Lala were fresh, a normal decent shiong tong la la.

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Tai Thong Seafood Restaurant
58, Jalan Serkut, Taman Pertama,
56100 Kuala Lumpur.

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2 thoughts on “Tai Thong Seafood Restaurant @ Taman Pertama, KL”

  • hi ivy!! i stumbled across your blog while searching about i love taimei and i find it so cozy and sweet that you have still been continually posting since even 2011! just wanted to drop a comment 🙂

    • hello yixi,
      oh yes i am still blogging and hope you enjoy reading my blog!
      and do drop by more often to find out what’s new!

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