February’s Chef Tasting Menu @ Yoshinari, Plaza Damas 3
This was happened in February, we were back to our favourite place for the comforting Chef Tasting Menu’s course meal. Yoshinari never fails. It was another good course during the month of February. We picked up February course because it’d looked better than January’s ones. Also, it was just after CNY. Perfect one after the long weeks of CNY Chinese dishes.
Check out my previous visit ; and here for November 2021 Chef’s Tasting Menu and January 2022 Chef’s Tasting Menu .
If you wish to try out something different, do check out their Tempura Course which is available at lunch only. Read here for my first Tempura Course and also second Tempura Course experiences.
First thing first, that must be sake! Hahaha!
I really love picking up my sake cup. Choose what you love according to your mood.
Soup dish: ITOYORI Fish & Shiitake Mushroom Soup
Clean type of soup, where you got to taste the true flavours of the ingredients themselves.
揚げ物: 蟹真丈と里芋の薄衣揚げ
Deep-fried: Deep-Fried Crab Fish Cake & Yam
Ohhh, this was delicious! And that fried red and green grape were a nice ending to clean the palate before moving to the next! Also perfectly cut of the grease.
お造り:寒平目薄造り ポン酢
Sashimi: Hirame (flounder) sashimi with ponzu
焼き物: 豚とイチジクの赤ワイン煮
Grilled dish: Pork & Fig simmered with red wine
Looking at the layers of the pork, it was beautifully simmered with red wine, hinted with the sweetness of fig. However, we found this overly sweet to our liking as we were trying to finish the end. We got a bit jelak towards the ending.
凌ぎ: 茄子ソーメン
Small dish: Eggplant Noodles
Usual favourite, also the house’s signature!
温物: 帆立とじゃがいものさつま揚げ 旨出汁煮
Warm dish: Homemade Fish Cake (Scallop & potato)
Didn’t look pretty or palatable in the bowl but it was what we love the most from this course. It was loaded with scallop and packed with essence from the sea. Very sweet and we all really love this!
Meal: Whitebait, Plum & Shiso Rice
Big pot of fluffy rice seasoned with sourish plum, spiced with shiso leaves and topped with lots of umami whitebaits.
Sweet ending.
Shibusan Yoshinari Tokyo Shibuya
A.0.11, Plaza Damas 3, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1,
Sri Hartamas, Desa Sri Hartamas,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-6211 1051