Usher the year of Dog @ Pak Loh Chiu Chow, Feast Village, Starhill Gallery
Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州酒樓
This Chinese New Year, Pak Loh Chiu Chow has lined up an array of sumptuous authentic Teochew cuisine to elevate your Chinese New Year dining experience. Headed by Executive Chinese Chef Alex Au who is hailed all the way from Hong Kong Pak Loh Chiu Chow, together with his team, they have whipped up an impressive menu featuring fine Teochew-style cuisine this festive season.
The Chinese New Year lunch and dinner sets are available from now until 2 march 2018.
Rainbow Prosperity Yee Sang with Salmon Trout 風生水起三文魚撈生
As usual, any meal during CNY must start up with a plate of beautiful yee sang.
I didn’t put a lot of expectation on to Yee Sang as they are more or less the same everywhere. Yee Sang is very dependent on the condiments and its sauce. To my surprise, this yee sang is the best I had from all the review sessions.
It terms of presentation, it was magical. Served over a tray of dried ice to creamy a dreamy effect.
Dosed with yam slices, pickled ginger slices, julienne cucumber, chili, cilantro, carrot, you tiao, sengkuang, starfruits, peanuts and dressed with chef’s special sauce that is made of sashimi sauce, special plum sauce and infused with ‘kam kat’ oil. The ingredients are freshly prepared and even pickled ginger slices are made in house.
The sauce was very special. Normally yee sang are flavoured in sweet and sour. This was the first time I get the salty taste in the yee sang. We were told that the sashimi sauce is inspired from the dipping sauce used by Teochew people when eating sashimi raw fish. Amazing! Truly amazing!
Double-boiled Top Shell Soup with Cordyceps Flower 新年好運蟲草花燉美國向螺
A very nourishing bowl of soup loaded with premium ingredients and double-boiled for 12 hours; all the nutrients and essence have permeated into the soup; resulting a thickening effect to the soup which was very collagenous.
The source of collagen in the soup which is very good to the skin
Braised Sea Abalone with Broccoli 鮑您發財美鮑燴西蘭花
Classic Steamed Red Snapper with Bean Sauce年年慶有餘荳醬蒸紅鮪魚
Seafood is a must for Teochew people during Chinese New Year, especially fish. Using special fermented bean sauce, chilli, shallot and ginger, Chef Alex stir-fried them together to create another medley of flavours from these ingredients.
Baked Prawns with Salad Sauce 哈哈大笑莎拉汁焗明蝦球
Fresh and a very refreshing prawn drizzled with homemade pineapple sauce and mayonnaise.
Golden Crispy Chicken with Lemon Sauce 金雞報喜檸汁脆皮吊燒雞
Crispy skin with tender meat. Love the zesty lemon sauce to keep a refreshing note on the chicken.
Stir-fried Mixed Waxed Meat Rice with Pumpkin 金銀滿屋香港臘味南瓜炒飯
Chef Alex intelligently swapped the usual Claypot Lap Mei Fan to this Lap Mei pumpkin fried rice. The sweetness of the pumpkin complemented well with the bits of waxed meat fried rice. I was already very full, but this fried rice had my tiny leftover capacity filled up! Super addictive. also, this dish symbolizing wealth given the golden colour from the pumpkin.
Golden Crispy Chinese Glutinous Cake 酥炸年糕
Double-boiled Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs with Black Glutinous Rice 蓮子百合紫米露
Ended our meal with two sweets. Crispy glutinous cake with the fragrant edges was never greasy while the double-boiled sweet soup was heart-warming.
Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant 百樂潮州酒樓
Feast Village
Starhill Gallery Bukit Bintang
181, Bukit Bintang Street, Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Opening Hours: 12PM – 10PM daily