The Moo Shop: Where all pretty things lives!
The Moo Shop is an online blogshop founded by Wei and Leng. Just like any ordinary girls, these two ladies love sweet and pretty things with maximum touches of cuteness and elegance. Therefore, they are here, setting up this online blogshop, bringing in stuff that will leave you “mooooo” with satisfaction.
In conjunction with the Raya month as well as the Merdeka month, The Moo Shop is having this great sale! Moo Moo Customers are entitled to enjoy discount up to 30% on all stocks including new items!
Wait no more; there are lots of surprises waiting for you! Visit The Moo Shop at to order now. ♥ Happy Shopping ♥
Accessorize yourself with pairs of lovely Korean Silver Post Earrings
Designed & Made in Korea

Waahhh…all so pretty and nice!!
start shopping and choose ur favourite piece! ^^