Favourite of The Day #2: Nasi Kunyit & "Porky" Rendang
Something you couldn’t get elsewhere but our kitchen…
My Favourite of the Day continues with the homemade Nasi Kunyit and “porky” Rendang.
Nasi Kunyit, the glutinous rice flavoured with turmeric; resulting a golden colour and pleasant flavour, simply goes great with the any Curry or Rendang. For the rendang, instead of wild boar, mum chose the pork to make her rendang, and only the neck part was chosen. The texture for the pork’s neck was extremely tender; well-spiced and flavoured.
Slurrrp! I could have this everyday; as my lunch or tea 🙂

I love this too~~~~
especially with pork! thx for the reminding ^^
Be warn-when a pig is sick – the neck and butt is the part where they will inject with antibiotics.
But i still like the neck part of roast pig.
Ah Tee,
😀 hehe
true true.
we only buy from reliable butcher.
haha, i find that's the most tender part
this is like the perfect dream dish for me… nasi kunyit and some more pork… wah… so lucky you!!! 😀
love this, mind to share the recipe?
hmmm, tough question. wanted to share but mum told me she did her cooking by agak agak one. So, there is no exact amount of ingredients. aiks
porky rendang..mana can get?
haha, only in my house 😛