Hung Kee Wanton Mee @ Taman Shamelin Perkasa, Cheras
Who doesn’t know this famous Hung Kee Wanton Mee located at Jalan Loke Yew?!
Established since mid of 1960s by the Phoon family from a small shoplot and now has expanded to air conditioned shoplots and a branch in Taman Shamelin Perkasa.
I frequent to their branch; say like once a week after grocery shopping nearby and ordered myself a plate of wanton mee. Hmmm, to be specific, that will be their noodles with char siu (BBQ pork) only (RM 4.50 per plate). You can always have their noodles with char siu and wanton (come in 6 pcs) but I never like their wanton(s) as the skin may be too thick to me.
Their wanton noodles are handmade; every strand is springy in texture and tossed in well seasoned sauce. Do opt for semi-fat char siu (半肥瘦叉烧) that comes fattier (this time the char siu was not fatty enough); I enjoyed chewing the fatty charred part that gave a sweet aftertaste.
Verdict: Their char siu may not be the best one you have had; but the yellow thin strands of springy noodles are something you will love. Another reason I love coming here is, I don’t have to fight through the traffic and travel down to Jalan Loke Yew for a plate of wanton mee as we have one Hung Kee (their branch) in Cheras 🙂
Note: All photos above by iPhone.
Restoran Hung Kee (Taman Shamelin)
18 – 20, Jalan 4/91,
Taman Shamelin Perkasa
56100 Cheras
Kuala Lumpur.
(Located opposite Pudu Ulu Park)

The char siew is so tempting!!!
Sorry to tell that I don't know about Hung Kee >.< *shame on me* But the wonton mee looks really yummy!
yes it is 🙂
somewhere in singapore,
if the fatty parts are greater or well balance (50-50) with the skinny part, it will be more tempting.
choi yen,
@@ the very famous one located at jalan loke yew, since 1965!!!! oh my, you gotta try it. but… hmmm, the parking is another headache problem at jalan loke yew
That's good news for you!
Oh the noodles does look good! I like mine soft & with a bit of bite versus the very springy ones.
Lol, shame of me that I haven't heard of this place at all. Bring me there please! Nice photos taken by your phone, and I thought it was by your camera. =)
Love Hung Kee because their charsiew is cut so hunky! hehe 😛
Love Hung Kee because their charsiew is cut so hunky! hehe 😛
Hunky char siew and delicious springy noodlle mandatory but the real flavour comes from the wanton soup or the black sauce. I tried both shops but the reason people patron HKee was the history. You’ll see old marble table. chopstick holder, wanton ceramic bowl…remind the good ole days. Suprisingly, the cook is Myanmar national.