Shanghai 上海苏浙苑 @ JW Marriott Hotel, KL
自古以来,八(8),是华人最爱的号码。它的译音同等于“发”,带给我们发财,福气。。。今年,也因如此Standard Chartered Bank 特别严选了八家在巴生谷一带的华人餐厅,特别推出了Standard Chartered Bank Extravagant 8 Menu, 让持有 Standard Chartered Bank 信用卡卡主在特别的优惠下,跟家人朋友们一同品尝佳肴,一同迎接兔年。
上海苏浙苑,坐落于JW Marriott Hotel 的一楼。光看名字,就知道他们家是以江苏和浙江菜为主。室内装潢得古色古香之余,也带点了摩登的气味在里头。
捞生是华人新年间一定要做的事。边捞边念着吉利的字、词,互相的献上祝福给对方,希望大家在这一年捞得风山水起,有个开心快乐+“发发发”的一年。所以,第一道就是捞生 – 鸿运大捞生 Salmon Yee Sang。 在脆脆的饼上,铺满了一丝丝的菜等材料,再摆上新鲜的三文鱼片和雪白的扇贝;浇上香油,花生酱,芥末酱等秘制酱料,吃起来有犹如生菜沙拉似的,酸中带甜,是他们唤醒了我的味蕾。
干贝竹笙云吞炖鸡汤 Double-boiled superior wanton soup with dried scallop and bamboo pith。
松子菊花鱼块拼炸金砖 Deep fried gouper fish with sweet and sour sauce accompanied with Deep-fried goose liver wrapped in bean curd。
宝鼎水笋肉 Braised Shanghainese pork with vegerables。
虾仁纪子炒饭 Imperial fried rice with shrimps and diced chicken。
苏浙苑精品小笼包 Steamed Shanghainese meat dumplings。
元肉莲子汤年糕 sweet glutinous rice cakes with red dates and dried longan。
麻花年糕 pan fried glutinous rice cakes with red dates and dried longan。
您持有Standard Chartered Bank credit card (信用卡)吗?以 RM 888.00++ (per table of 8 persons), 就可以享用这些佳肴了。只献给Standard Chartered Bank credit card cardholder 哦。优惠从 20 January 2011 至 17 February 2011
Shanghai 上海苏浙苑
JW Marriott Hotel
Level 1,
183, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2719 8288

waahhh the braised pork looks awesome!
it's very very special and Yummy too!!!
Wah, that braised pork O.O, I bet u all must show the expression like my icon when u saw the dish ^^ But why the skin red in colour?
Looks so yummy! *slurp*
I love that braised pork!
All the foods are so tempting…
Wah post in Chinese. I always heard of good feedback in this Shanghai Restaurant in JW Marriot.
choi yen,
yeppppp! we were all 'wow'ed on that braised pork. kinda surprise with the structure and all.
they are!!! 🙂
yeaaa, me too, i love that braised pork.
somewhere in singapore,
yes they are. and they are really special!
simon seow,
lol, i know the others will do in english. wan some different, so i did it in chinese. hehe.
true, good stuff here!
wow! i don't understand this post but the food sure looks DIVINE!
wow! i don't understand this post but the food sure looks DIVINE!
the braised pork looks like a pyramid except that it is red color at the outside.. it is kinda unique 🙂 the soup looks good too, would like to have a sip of that.. 😀
hohooo, they are superb!
very unique thing. maybe the lighting problem or my camera probs, no idea why it's so saturated in red color. lolx. the soup was good too. it's clear in colour but very flavourful.
Oh you posted today also! Hahaha … good. Let me steal your link, in case readers need Chinese translation.
i posted this yesterday morning lar.
well, thank for linking this page over there 🙂
the pork tower is calling me!!!
That Braised Shanghainese pork with vegetables really test the cutting skills of the chef
There have been consistently good feedback on this place 😉
I'm itching to try!