Turning into…
My blog turns 4 this month!
That’s really fast…
So, What is special for this ‘big’ day?! I baked.
I baked the Cornflakes and Blueberries Muffins this afternoon.
They are milky, buttery and lovely.
(recipe will be uploaded soon)
I baked to…
Firstly, it is to celebrate my blog’s birthday! She is four, she is four, and she is four years old by now.
Secondly, it is to de-stress. I am kinda stress out these weeks.
Finally, wanna wish a few of them —
Jimmy Tham and Keith Chang who are in Australia,
and Li Shin who is in UK
— a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Hope you guys have a wonderful celebration~

0.o I was like thinking those cookies are for me.. woo hoo~ cookies from msia.
Scroll down… cookies for your blog. knn~ shouldn't had put up with such a high expecttaion in the first place.
hehe~ just kidding la *smug face* great.. exam on my birthday.. and I've 2 of it back to back. twice the misery. =\ diu~
jimmy tham,
once again, happy birthday to you.
eh… they are MUFFINS. not cookies. okay???
cheer up ler. and add more oils in exam.
Hey Ivy,
Paiseh la long time no drop by here. You know what? Those muffins of yours looks delicious la…i am mentioning about the appearance only la..let me taste it then we will talk about overall marks =P
Anyway, you are getting better with your skil. Keep up da good work!
Congratulations, hope to see more interesting posts in you blog..
Congrats! Wah…so fast 4 adi!
thanks. but i will try to improve on them. 😛 drop by more often. my blog definately will cheer ur stomach up. wahahaha
emile zola@life,
thanks. will try to do updates more and more often 🙂
4 years old for this blog but 2 years ++++ for food blogging only.
wow! 4 years already! time really flies! Happy Birthday to your blog! good job and keep more posts coming 🙂
Sugar Bean has reached Glasgow safely 🙂 hehe
Ai Wei ar, Christine asked me to tell you that your fingers are very dry wor. Did you use the hand cream we gave you? Wahahahaha, just kidding.
Miss you so much. Wishing so much that you'll be here with us. Your muffin looks good. When wanna belanja me?
Wow, you've blogging for so long. Happy blogging!
congratulation and happy birthday~~~
keep blogging…
congratulations, ai wei! 🙂
4yrs already! (2+ years older than me leh^^)
Congratulations & Happy Birthday to your blog
Time flies…so fast 4 yrs old dy~
Time flies…so fast 4 yrs old dy~ Congrats!!!
how i wish i were there! u guys must be having fun together. anyhow, if got any nice photos uploaded, never forget to tag my name over there! Aw!
sugar bean,
how bad u guys. i know i am old. but what to do?! i have loads of houseworks to do ma… sobz
once u back, sure can claim from me 😛
little box,
thanks a lot! happy blogging to u too!
thanks, happy blogging ya. u have a great blog there
thanks a lot. happy blogging too
aiks… i know i m old. sigh…
but, happy blogging to you~
thank you
thanks a lot. ya, time really flies… haihz