(To be continue…)

I actually feel like having that whole bowl of sour kai choy!!! Sooo sooo yummy!!!! Sniff sniff sniff..but am banned from yummies till i fully recovered. 🙁 Aiiiseehhh
precious pea,
No worry, pea. i am sure u can have all those once u are well!
U must get well soon, k?!
btw, dun sob within New Year ^___^
get well soon, get well soon n rest more!
reunion having sour kai choy?? first time seeing it. 🙂
The home cooked food looks so delicious! awesome!
i miss all these HOME cooked reunion dishes so much! all looking good! yumz…
new kid on the blog,
dun have???
dunno wor, my family usually have it on reunion meal!
big boys oven,
yayaya. love homecook food a lot! all the compliments have to go to my aunts and mum~
no worries dear… u will be back soon de larrr. then ur parents gonna feed you with lots of great food.
never forget us, cz me n khee gonna feed you with food as u are toooooooo thin!
woah, reunion night already got 酸菜 already ar? we usually have that on the second day of cny.
happy cny, ai wei! hope i’m not too late..hehe
nic (khkl),
haha, happy chinese new year to you too! gong xi fa cai!!!
it’s never late 😛
酸菜 ar…
i have no idea. hehe, aunt always prepare this whenever we go to her house for reunion! ^^
Kau yoke, kau yoke!!
I can’t read chinese but the food pictures are definitely make me drooling right now 😀
hello, nice to meet you. i like your blog, a lot of food reviews leh^^