366 Days ago…

  • Sumo

A year has passed.

I still remember what has happened on the 366-night ago. That was my very first experience, signed up myself and headed to this merry official gathering with both my best buddies – Chris and Christine.

A themed party: A Very Retro Christmas
Date: 28 December (Friday)
Venue: My Elephant, Section 17, Petaling Jaya
Time: 7.30 pm
Dress Code: Retro lah

It was a party organized by Lyrical Lemongrass and Precious Pea, for all food bloggers to have a get-together, know each other face to face and celebrate the Christmas together! Guess I am the very last person to have this posted up. But, isn’t it good to remind and refresh yourselves with last-year-today’s story?! 😛

the Elephants

Our table setting

Pandan and Krachiap Coolers

Fragrance Brown Rice

Kom’s Chicken Wings with Mango-Kiwi Dressing

Choo Chee Goong (Thai Yellow Curry with River Prawns)

Pak Choop Pang Tod (Thai style vegetable tempura)

Som Tam Malakor (Green Papaya with Dried Prawns with Peanuts)

Tom Klong – Northern Thai Tom Yum with Fish Cutlets

Steamed Fish ala Thai Style

Chillied Lamb

Red Duck Curry with Konnyaku, Avocadoes and Rambutan

Sago Pudding with Thai Mangoes

And… pictures of US…
(Not much I could put up here as most of the bloggers wish to stay anonymous.)

Guess what? We both won the food blogger awards.

I won the award of “Sweetest Female Blogger 2007” and it was a packet of Hershey’s Kissable inside. *Grin*

Award List

I didn’t do much talking that night as I was too nervous to speak. Butterflies were flying in my stomach the moment I stepped down from the car. Luckily I was with Chris and Christine. They both gave me a lot of courage. Once we were welcomed by the friendly Lyrical Lemongrass, Precious Pea and WMW, the nervous-y feeling just melted away.

Well, Hope this might bring you some little sweet memories. Happy New Year!



the Elephant
Block C – G4, Happy Mansion,
Jalan 17/13, Section 17,
46400 Petaling Jaya.

Business Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday; Lunch & Dinner
(except Sunday Lunch)

Lunch: 12.00 – 2.30pm
Dinner: 6.00 – 10.00pm

Read more at: –
Precious Pea
Brought Up to Share
Eat First Think Later

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11 thoughts on “366 Days ago…”

  • That definitely a very very belated post. One year just gone like that, fast right? Am glad that you came and it was nice meeting you. Hope we will meet again soon. Happy New Year to you!

  • precious pea,
    ya… another year gone. just can’t believe it’s so fast!
    it was really a great meeting with u all. hope there will be more upcoming events. hehe

    Happy New Year to you~

  • i still rmbr reading about this, before i started my blog.

    and that was one of the defining moments which spurred me on … 🙂

    happy new year.

  • j2kfm,
    hope that you can join us if there is another round of food blogger gathering ^^

    happy new year!

    big boys oven,
    can’t believe hor… we seems to have known each other for yearsss!
    time just flies!

    happy new year!!!

  • 366 days ago..hehe..it’s nice to meet you that day. Well, wish you have a happy new year. Wish you all the best in 2009.

  • new kid on the blog,
    happy new year to you! have a wonderful 2009!!!

    nice to meet you too!
    happy new year!

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