Happy mid-autumn festival
To my family, friends, bloggers, food bloggers and readers~
May you all have a superb day.
Happy mid-autumn festival!
My favorite mooncake from Yu-Ai, the mixed nuts moon cake with lots of macadamia nuts, sesame… nuts n nuts n nuts!
Moreover, it’s less oily, less sugary = healthy!

Hope you had a good Mid Autumn Festival celebration yesterday night! ;D
that’s lots of nuts!!! ^_^
nic (khkl),
same to you! hope u have a wonderful celebration.
ya, nuts n nuts n nuts but never ‘go nuts’.
Hey there! Check out my website at http://www.runwiththewave.com Come and experience the waves of Penang!
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!
happy happy mid autumn festival to you too!
That’s very very nutttty:P
Hope you had a great celebration as well!~:)
bah~ I want pandan and durian mooncake… n red bean too~ =(
dear friend,
do u’ve BBQ LAND & STEAMBOAT BUFFET KUANG’s phone no at SG BULOH, SELANGOR @ been there? some said d price just below rm20/pax!
mal handsome
sms me +60128624623 or
email 2 sronoknya@gmail.com
same to you!
i still have another very nutty mooncake with me. kekeke
jimmy tham,
pandan and red bean are great but durian?!?!?! got meh?!
ibnu marzuki al firdaus,
i am sorry i dun have the phone number or address. i have not been there before. really sosrry bout that~
http://lh6.ggpht.com/avanzakubiru/Rv58ipfhyOI/AAAAAAAAA04/Op6v6oa5_IA/s800/bbqland_map.JPG but still don’t have their phone no, lah! hehe… how about u r other friend, they know?
Since when mooncake got nuts one?
>< Something new to me…
We would like to invite you to visit http://foodpromotions.blogspot.com/
Hey there, where have you been? 😉
Why so healthy? lol
haha, itis not new thing anymore. try it next year?! it is good. but not many young ppl like it.
fod promotion,
thanks for the invitation.
ooops, so much sorry for the not updating my blog. lately busy with the mid term. aiks… that’s why lack updates lar…
simon seow,
health is wealth 😛