When we were on our way to a beach, I came a across a “we-have-what-you-want” small size lorry vendor. This lorry business was run by a wed-couple. The pakcik n makcik were selling a wide variety of snack such as fruits, drinks, chips and others kacang-kacang.
The most special thing was this…
That’s really clever. They have this own-built-inverted type of soft drink machine. They even use the water taps to control the flow of soft drinks. Cool isn’t it?!

Wah a mobile pub! Lol. So cool 😉
haha, wish those were beer though… 😉
so special…so cool…
durianberry, new kid on the blog & squall,
cool isn’t it?!
it was a ‘wow’ from me when i first saw this!
you are right, much better if it’s beer. beer is very cheap in langkawi ^^
mmm.. like this also can!!?
so cool!! haha
veri kewl! maybe can do that the next time i have a party..haha!
Hahaha…a soft drink “BAR”, cool!
ahaha, funny hor?! but it is a briliant idea that they come up with something like that.
kampungboycitygal & wmw,
cool isn’t it?!
nic (khkl),
u can do so and everyone will think u are the briliant n special one. hehehe!
Will the soft drinks flow out too fast? Did u try to buy n c how it works?
wouldn’t the soft drink be out of gas ?
Yeah, I agree with Ling239 .. the drinks would probably be out of gas la…
aik, I have the same thought too with ling and timothy.
er… i didn’t try that out and never thought of trying it out. so, i dunno the flow and stuff.
ling239, timothy & simon seow,
hah! i never thought if this too! most prob the gas is all out. well, i guess most ppl never though of this before buying. you know, ppl buy drinks just to qunech their thirst ^^
wah~~very creative soft drink machine..we can try DIY at home^^
Zomg…Soft drink bar?
Nowadays Foods and Drinks
industries are really crazy enough…
Innovative business idea!
Haha, haven’t seen this before but it definitely looks cool. it’s like a mobile bar.
what an innovative way!!
maybe we can try it out when we’re having any parties ;P
ya, it is quite a good idea to DIY but do figure out the solution if the gas leak or something.
food and beverage industries are now very competitive. i wonder what’s up in the next 5 or 10 years?! hehe, really can’t imagine.
little inbox,
innovative and creative e ^^
sugar bean,
haha, very funny the first time i saw this. but still very speacial. ^^
want something like that for your next party?! ahaha, ask chris to make one lor~
yo, really cool n special… y not just pour out…ermmm, maybe will be more convenient without opening n closing the bottle cap…haha