Portuguese’s egg tart
The buttery flavored pastry is rich in the-very-butter-aroma.
The middle part consists of custard in crème-brulee-like consistency caramelized fashion.
That’s the Portuguese egg tart.
The 葡式蛋挞.
Portuguese egg tart is always best for tea or breakfast. But I would prefer it during my tea time. King’s Confectionary’s Portuguese egg tart is the only Portuguese style egg tart I have tried. Their Portuguese egg tarts always run out in a short time (err… at least this happened in King’s nearby my place).
Dear Readers,
Is there any other places selling Portuguese egg tart besides King’s Confectionary?!
Do recommend some places for me, please… I would love to try out and make comparison ~ 😛

I do know where to buy Portuguese egg tart but I don’t know any good ones. Gosh, I’m craving for egg tart now in the middle of night! Haha!
Anyway, good luck in your exams! 🙂
I know Baker’s Cottage sells them. But not sure how good they are.
sugar bean,
craving for it in middle of night? haha, save it for the breakfast lar. what u have to do the very 1st thing in the morning is… GO grab egg tart.
is it?! baker’s cottage selling them?! wow, i gotta check it out. thanks thanks thanks!!!
wat abt Berry’s ?
I’ve tried Baker’s Cottage ones… I think King’s way better than theirs ;P
Berry’s tarts are not bad too 🙂
The best Portugese tarts that I had was the ones at Macau!! super delicious 😉
Berry is selling too? oh, i din know that. thanks for the info. gonna check it out.
Yer… how nice to have tried out Macau’s portugese egg tart! that’s what they famous for. sure very yummylicious ler…
i wanna TRY the real orignal one from Macau!
but Baker’s Cottage one not bad also …
in Ipoh various confectionery are selling Portuguese tarts, some better than the others.
such coincidence today I had Portuguese egg tart and a normal egg tart for breakfast, from Old Town. will blog bout them soon.
hmmm…that’s a very good question…i never really thought about that…haha! but i know tong kee’s egg tart’s nice! hmm, i wonder if they have portuguese tarts too…
i love egg tarts.. especially portugese egg tart. fuck… i lost my voice too.
hmmm, sounds like baker’s one has great votes! wanna try it. em… where’s baker’s location ar?
Portuguese egg tart and a normal egg tart from Old Town in Ipoh??? wow, i really wish to try!
next time when u come over KL, do ‘da-bao’ some for us ya. haha
nic (khkl),
yeah! tong kee’s egg tart so far the BEST! but then they dun have portugese type wor…
Jimmy tham,
yeah… both egg tart n portugese one are nice. i love them too!
hope u get well soon. hehehe, then dun speak for few days to save ur voice ler! ^^
suddently so miss the Portuguese egg tart i have at Macau…
I’ve tried King’s Portuguese egg tarts! But only from there, never had at other places. Usually I opt for normal egg tarts. I was searching for them at Portuguese Village in Malacca but sadly couldn’t find 🙁
Woo… they look so yummy. I would love to have one for breakfast too! 😛
Alex’s World! – http://www.kakinan.com/alex
wuahaha, my lovely hometown got a bakery chain called Emas Cakehouse. Their Portugese Egg tart not bad~ Yummy~
best Portugese tarts diff to find one la….
i am agree Macao really serve one of the best….. if got free ticket from air asia.. macao Portugese tart is a MUST try one..
i like tart so much… dun care what tart is that…. as long as tart…
but need to be quality tart….
Fei Fei did draft up for us on the acceptance criteria on quality tart… see if he got time to wrote and post soemthing on our blog… hahaha
I don’t know. I’ve only been buying it from King’s because it’s closer to home. Besides, it’s their HQ wor.
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grr.. been 3 week nv meet Mr.Egg tart d.. so so so craving.. slurp!
AW, save it 4 the breakfast? haiz, “sai hei” laaa….SB onli wakes up in the evening….haha….erm…. perhaps…. try it out in portugal?? sold ter??? hahaha
*envy* u went to Macau n tried them b4. wish i could try the real portugese egg tart !
durian berry,
cheer up! sure u can find it next time? mayb ask for location before heading to malacca? dun forget to tell me where n how’s it when u found it! ^^
yep! this is really good for a hearty simple breakfast!
wahhh! where’s ur hometown?! mayb i can look for it if i happened to be in ur hometown? must be a hidden treasure it ur hometown…
oh haha, i am sure macau’s egg tart would be very very delicious since everyone put thumbs up for Macau portugese egg tart!
think i gotta save a fortune before i can buy myself a ticket and go over to Macau! *dreaming to try out the legendary Macau’s portugese egg tart !!!
simon seow,
where’s King’s HQ exactly?!?!
hi, thanks for dropping by over here and hope u like my blog. your blog is very nice too! although i dunno how to read, i do enjoy the picture u have in your blog!
*do come by more often ^^
good hor?! go Grab one when u crave for it. i am sure anywhere also hv King’s. hehehe
Phooi Fun,
wahahaha, portugal has this too?! i dun really know wor… mayb u fly over to protugal n then if happened to ‘meet them’, da-bao for me ya. hehehe! hoho~
Zomg. 葡式蛋挞.
Remind me those days when i was in primary school ><
That time i always bought it right after school. ><
is like 10years ago….
I’m with most of you on King’s. That’s where I normally get them… and they have them piping hot cos they sell out really fast — perfect! 😀
hi, jeromefo.
well, i am sure u can get some nice egg tarts again these days to rewind back on the young days?! right? portugese egg tarts are always good, a lil’ sweet n fragrant!
kenny mah,
yah, i guess when come to portugese egg tarts, the first place in our mind would be King’s. gosh… their tarts always went out quick. the other day i went for their tarts, those piping hot tarts left only a few… luckily i managed to grab mine!
V dun know what really Portugese egg tart is but next time we will look for it and if good give you a call, maybe send some samples too ok !
I know I know petaling street got plenty! is it?
i prefer normal egg tart actually LOL tong kei have those or not? not sure lar
team bsg,
hey, thanks a lot! if u happened to find something good, dun forget to tell me. i always welcome those samples. haha ^^
big boys oven,
really?! in petaling street got a lot?! where where where?!
aiks… i shud have ask u this expert earlier!
i like both. the normal tarts are smooth n the portugese tart have different kind of taste. too bad, tong kee has only normal type ar…
Once, I have a colleague who is really good in baking. She brought to us Portuguese egg tarts besides cakes. I love Portuguese egg tart!
little box,
yerrr! how nice you have someone to bake for you! it must be troublesome baking for egg tarts hor?!