Gosh, I am delaying post again. I am really very sorry about the delaying posts due to my very hectic time table which I could hardly cope or breathe through it. You will never believe how terrible my lectures and lab sessions are! I have lectures or labs from 8am to 6pm DAILY! In between, there are only 1 or 2 hours lunch break. At most only 3 hours break a day. Imagine how horrible it is and I am exhausted after classes (don’t think about revising and doing reports or homework anymore!!!). Honestly, I have the feeling that working is more enjoyable and relaxing than studying. Sigh sigh sigh…
Back on food, I think I really have to make this posted up quick and fast before getting “nags” by my 2 best-besties, Wen Ching and Ting Fang. It was after 2 days after my birthday, both of my best-besties brought me out for a belated birthday celebration. At first we planned to have a lunch together but ended up with an afternoon tea celebration for me!
Wen Ching and Esiong have choosen the place for us. We, who are the big fans of Green Tea agreed to have a drink in Ochacha which is located in The Gardens (near Isetan side).

The interior is green in colour suits the theme of Ochacha very much. It is just simple and refreshing.
Wen Ching had a warm Latte Signature Premium, where it was the Matcha (Green Tea) in steamed milk.
As for Esiong, he had himself a cuppa of Freezie Cream Matcha Blended with Ice. That was indded a good choice for a rather warm atmosphere in here. (Yes, it was a little warm at where we sat.)
For me, the main character of the day (HaHa!) had the Mondo Almondwhere it was a warm beverage which only tasted this good with matcha and powdered Almond. It was a great combination that I fancied.
Ting Fang then had herself a cuppa of Silk Matcha with Soy Milk with the caption, Indulgence without guilt. It was nice too but I do prefer the Mondo Almond and Latte Signature Premium. All the same looks? Yes, All the hot beverages had almost the same appearance but in tasted very differently.
They also treated me with 2 slices of cake, Azuki (the signature and recommended cake) and Strawberry Matcha Cake.
Strawberry Matcha Cake was layered with fresh strawberry in between each layer of green tea based sponge cake. It was fresh and sourish in taste. Definitely went great with our cuppas.
Azuki Matcha Cake was layered with special type of Red Bean paste aired from Japan. It was slightly sweeter. I myself prefer the little sourish Fresh Strawberry Matcha Cake.
Me and my 2 besties~
Thanks gals for the lovely present specially selected for me. I love it very muchie! Thanks a lot gal! You gals are very sweet (Amai-ne)! Love you gals a lot! Muackzzz!
The celebrations with friends were great! My primary besties spent me an amazing afternoon tea while my Murni Gang had taken me out for dinner on my day. How about Suria gang (my high school friends)?! Where are you guys?! You guys owe me a BIG BIG BIG meal!!!
Lot T-237A, Third Floor,
The Gardens,
Mid Valley City,
Lingkaran Syed Putra,
59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-22829694
Fax: 03-22829598

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Tell me where is your lecturer? i help you to kick his ass..haha..Poor ai wei,u prefer working meh??
Anyway,i wish i can visit Ochacha at Pavilion soon 🙂
very interesting stuff there! soya milk and matcha, the matcha cakes…nice! will ta pau some when i’m at the gardens again 🙂
poor dear… hang on there! when u start to work, i bet you’ll prefer studying again! ;P *heard lots about working at the hospital* scary… haha
and what a nice tea session you had! Glad you enjoyed your birthday treat! and Ochacha seems a nice place to try! Let’s drag Yen there along with us! ;P
all the best!
yes!! thr’s the 2nd branch of ochacha!! SO HAPPIES! ochacha rox!!! Love their drink! and dessert!!
im pretty sure u wouldnt want to work lor..imagine 9-6 job everyday and only 14 days of annual leave..at least u guys got semester break!
So sweet!! It’s so nice to have birthday celebrations, right?:D
Too bad to hear how stressed you are right now…but no worries, the lucky stars are always shining on you ya;)
Cheers January babe!!:D
hey happy belated birthday! and the macha cakes looks really good and green! heavy green tea taste or not?
Sapoh, I really had a great time with you the other day! Hope you like the gift and everything!
Yeah, your timetable is really hectic. But hold on to it, I’m sure it’ll be better soon! Enjoy your studies to the max! Always here for you to ngam cham! Keke! 😀
Anyway, happy belated birthday again! Cheers to our friendship! 🙂
Sapoh, I really had a great time with you the other day! Hope you like the gift and everything!
Yeah, your timetable is really hectic. But hold on to it, I’m sure it’ll be better soon! Enjoy your studies to the max! Always here for you to ngam cham! Keke! 😀
Anyway, happy belated birthday again! Cheers to our friendship! 🙂
Everything in Mocha…. quite special wor…
thanks for that. i worked before and it was quite fun. keke.
now i have to correct my sentences. i have only at most 2 hours break due to some extra classes and classes start every day from 8 or 9 am …
nic (khkl),
u frequent in KL? read ur blog and mostly on eateries in gardens. ‘ta-pau’ mayb not that good. have a dine in and enjoy the cups.
not to forget ask me and Christine along ya!
gal, my time table very horrible lar. sobz! i heard bout the hospital thingy too. fresh ppl like us will always get scolded by doc. aiks… but then now study also cham.
yes dear!!! i need more Ochacha to chill myself. we will hang out together one day k??!
i read bout ur ochacha post and simply love it. definately will go for a revisit! hehehe
aiks aiks
my study time is not jz from 8am to 6pm but night time after home still have to study ar… sobZ.
thanks, thanks, thanks.
must find food to comfort myself
thanks. the green tea taste is jz nice and not extremely heavy. a worth to try especially on the beverage.
wenching & esiong,
thanks wenching, thanks for the food n beverages on that day. truly enjoy it! enjoyed to the max (in ochacha n not studies)! cheers to our frenship and frens forever!!!
yep, this place is quite special in their matcha
looks like a great stuff…. greentea….
still got outstanding celebrations ah? hahahaaaa…..
ooh… i walked past this place but i din get to try it. nice to know someone’s done a review of it :>
Very usual cakes and drinks!
Nice photos!
Alex’s World! – http://www.kakinan.com/alex
big boys oven,
green tea-ing once a while is really indulging. hehe
kekeke, it’s nice to celebration bday with frens. but sobZ, i m another year older.
have a try! it’s quite nice but do walk around a choose a cooler place to be seated.
I would prefer the Strawberry Matcha Cake too. Still more celebration to come? :o)
I would prefer the Strawberry Matcha Cake too. Azuki and green tea… I don’t find them matched with each other.
ya lo, i prefer the strawberry matcha. now waiting for my high school frens >.< they seems to have forgotten bout me >___<
same same. strawberry matcha tasted better. ^___^
yupe, i’m back quite often. almost every weekend, actually…hehe…
I have heard this place mentioned so much. I’ll have to check it out. The desserts look amazing.