12 Layers Me
I am tagged by Christine and Celine! Christine has tagged me twice, one with the 5 questions (if I m not mistaken) and this is another one with 12 Questions. So, I will complete this one first and the 5 Qs one later.
Layer 1: On The Outside
Name: Ai Wei (or you can call me as Ivy)
Birth Date: 4th of January
Current status: Single
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Rightly or lefty: rightly when writing
Layer 2: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Mandarin
Your Fear: Fail in exam
Your Weaknesses: easily influenced by ppl
Your Perfect Pizza: thin or thick crust with loads of pineapple, capsicums, olives, chicken slices, thick pizza sauce and rich in mozzarella cheese
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Can I have few more hours to sleep?
Your Bedtime: It depends on the day’s tasks. If my tasks are not completed at time, I may burn midnight oil until 4am.
Your Most Missed Memory: My 16 days home stay student exchange programme to Fukuoka, Japan and My 20 days vacation in Shen Zhen, China just to eat.
Layer 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: well, I dislike soft drinks.
McDonald’s or Burger King: Definitely McD!
Single or Group Dates: errrrr?!
Adidas or Nike: Adidas fans here
Tea or Nestea: Tea please.
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE! I don’t really fancy the smell and aroma of vanilla.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both but preferable coffees
Layer 5: Do You…
Smoke: Nope!!! Smoking is extremely bad for respiratory system. I learnt smoking cessation during my first year. Anyone interested for a briefing?
Curse: errr… yeah
Have A Crush: anyone doesn’t?
Think you’ve been in love: Nope and not now.
Go to school: In my Uni now which is … not a good one.
Want to get married: Huh?! Er… until I found my true love.
Believe in yourself: sometimes… and sometimes not when I am lack of confidence
Think you’re a health freak: yeah and I am watching on the balance diet in my daily meals. Remember, you are what you eat!
Layer 6: In The Past Month Have You…
Drank alcohol: Yes with my gang of friends. They are alcoholics but not me *grin*
Gone to the mall: Off course. Shopping can de-stressed. Even a window shopping might help.
Been on Stage: Yep, and always did for bacaan Ikrar during my secondary years
Eaten Sushi: A Japanese food lover I am
Dyed You Hair: Never, I have my natural dark brown hair. What’s the point to do that since I have natural hair color?!
Layer 7: Have You Ever…
Played a Stripping Game: No
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: What for?! Just be yourself (my Motto)
Layer 8: You’re Hoping
To be married: … to someone who is mature and secure to be with him. *dreaming* Haihz, that’s too far away to think of. That’s too future lar~
For a: meanwhile, I am thinking and worrying for my final (coming in a week times) definitely hoping to pass every papers in flying colour.
Layer 9: In a Boy (for guys, in a girl)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: no comments as long as they are in good combination
Short Hair or Long Hair: Short Hair.
Layer 10: What were you Doing
1 min ago: typing this and still typing this
1 hour ago: studying and I get bored of it.
4.5 hours ago: taking a nap
1 month ago: swallowing notes and books for my mid term test.
1 year ago: still… swallowing notes and books for my final exam. I am in the exam period every year at this time and also in April.
Layer 11: Finish the sentences
I Love: my family, friends, shopping, holidaying, and eating!
I Feel: Pressuring and panic at this time
I Hate: Exam and assignments and tests and reports.
I Hide: my anger?!
I Miss: my friends and the dinner with the food bloggers on Saturday.
I Need: extra time and extra hours for exam preparation.
Layer 12: Tag 5 People
1. wenching & esiong from Sugar Bean (since she and he have not written any)
2. Ling239
3. Jackson from Living in Food Heaven
4. Eldred from Sky2live
5. Yan from Paradise of Yan

What a pleasant surprise to meet you too that day. Didn’t know girls are joining until I met Sid they all at The Curve.
I mean didn’t know you girls are joining. 😛
me kena ah ? ok ok will do it soon…. :p
don’t want us to join-in ke? hehe. it’s really great to meet you on that day. you guys are really nice and friendly!!! hope there are more coming up events for us to join~
take you time to complete the tag
wow, the virus spread widely now… 🙂
Wah, I really don’t remember how many times I was tagged!! Haha! This is serious. Will take some time to complete it soon! Promise!! 🙂
Wah, I really don’t remember how many times I was tagged!! Haha! This is serious. Will take some time to complete it soon! Promise!! 🙂
Hahaha! Another one spreading the virus 😛
new kid on the blog,
oh my… i dun wan this virus. better spread to others.
wenching & esiong,
yeah, you are seriously tagged or i can say, you are seriously ‘infected’!
lol, i am not spreading virus but ‘passing’ them to the others. hehe. you wanna get infected?!