Soya products, Taman Connaught
Recently I have discovered something new in Taman Connaught while on the way home. It is a van, stop beside CIMB bank at Taman Connaught off the Connaught Highway. I have observed that this little van runs by an uncle who is selling Soya drinks and tau foo fah. Always, I was drooling over the van but never stop by.
I finished my class early today, took maggi mee as lunch and then took 2 hours nap. When I woke up, it was 3.15pm, 三点三, ‘sam dim sam’, IT’s TEA TIME! I drove over and got myself some egg tarts and bread from Tong Kee Confectionary, and walked over to get soya milk and tau foo fah from the van, Royal Soya Milk & Tau Fu Fa .
Here comes the great combination for tea time, egg tart and tau foo fah and soya milk.
As for my brother, he went for a coffee roti boy bun from Tong Kee and the bottle of soya bean with brown sugar

i alwiz like my soya bean milk to add with brown sugar… hehhe… it must b great to eat it egg tart.. im hungry now.. boho..
egg tarts! i see egg tarts! yesterday on the way back home.. i stopped by some stall to get tarts too! we’re really “ngam”! but no soya bean milk for me though… hehe.. plan to write on tarts again 😛
tau fu fah, one of my favourite dessert. hey, wanna ask u something, did the uncle know that u’re taking a picture of him?
tau fu fah, one of my favourite dessert. hey, wanna ask u something, did the uncle know that u’re taking a picture of him?
tau fu fah, one of my favourite dessert. hey, wanna ask u something, did the uncle know that u’re taking a picture of him?
jackson, soya bean always good with egg tart. you should try it. ^^ it’s quite a unique taste on soya with brown sugar, but then i still prefer the one with white sugar~
leng, egg tarts again?! kekeke, we both are very ‘ngam’. then write bout the tarts, okay? can’t wait to read yours. is that the tarts recommended by wee lick?
wenching, well, i don’t think the uncle knows i am picturing him. hehe. curi curi taking picture. soya bean and tau fu fah always good for skin. eat more eat more~
izzit illegal to sell foods like dat on road streets??
wakakak = D
Mayb i can try to askhim bribe me 2 botals per day so i dun report XD