work on Pre-Exhibition
Another job, another exhibition and yep, I have finished my job for this another exhibition. Miccos 07, the Malaysia International Commodity Conference & Showcase 2007 is held in PWTC on 3rd July to 8th July, from 9am to 9pm. I was there for the pre-exhibition work from Cityneon and it was indeed another pretty challenging task. I’d enjoyed it a lot but too bad that environment there was not as great as the time while I was in KL convention centre. We could not enjoy air-con there and no pretty counter for us to sit and no pretty scenery too.
Sigh… There will be a lot of pretty well-decorated booths on the show day but I worked on pre-exhibition only. So, I am going to miss out those pretty decorated booth. Besides that some of the booths are selling food and stuff. From what I saw, one of the booths opens up a chocolate stall and named as Koko Bistro. They are selling chocolate, beverages, variety of mousse and cakes and cookies. See, I miss out all these sweet food again. Sigh sigh sigh…
Besides that, the decoration in the timber sector is another pretty area. You will be amazed with their hard works on building up from the plain ground to beautiful small houses and even have a garden with ponds and bridge. They have only less than 24 hours to finish up their works. It was like ‘wow’ once I saw it. Just Too bad that I can’t enjoy their marvelous creations on the exhibition day. Sigh sigh sigh… (sorry, no pics on this)
Kekeke, it was fun working with Ting Fang. I dragged her up to work with me so I won’t be alone. We both chatted a lot, giggled a lot because I kept telling her the same thing over and over again. [Fang, you know what is that] I think she will feel irritating and very fan with that. Kekeke. Hope you don’t mine. Happy working together, fang.