Harry Potter, the final
As soon as my class ended in this morning, I hurried to fetch Fang and we both rush to Carrefour mid valley to get out copies of Harry Potter, and the deadly hallows. Needless to say, everyone must have known about this hot book and hot issue today that 3 huge bookstore refuse to sell the books. Instead of the retail price at Rm 109.90, the hypermarts are selling the books at Rm 69.90 at the lowest rate. the books were selling like a hot cake!
Happy that I have grabbed one of them. However, I don’t really satisfy with the plastic bag they provided where else Tesco hypermarts giving off a nice handy paper bag with every of the copy purchased. I am really envy with Eldred. Read his post, he got the really nice paper bag. *Huh*

plastic beg are ugly and bad for environment. XD
heyz.. u’ve bought it! Ugh! bad plastic bag.. hehe. Should give out limited edition bags instead since this book’s a hit! Did you get the previous half-blood-prince?
sky2live, yep… plastic bag is definately bad to environment. besides, paper bag is nicer. that’s why i wan the paper bag!!! *sob*
leng, i have bought and read the previous half-blood-prince last year. a pricey book it is. somehow i can’t really remember the details of the story… keke. my fave of the 6 harry potter books is the 4th book ^^
eh, y’d u post the book together with the plastic bag?? i think it looks funny, haha!!
eh, y’d u post the book together with the plastic bag?? i think it looks funny, haha!!
eh, y’d u post the book together with the plastic bag?? i think it looks funny, haha!!
wenching & esiong, my main purpose to write this post is because of the plastic bag. it is very ugly right??? my friend got the paper bag. *envy* i wan the paper bag!!!
btw, just to correct u, it’s that 4 major bookstore refusing to sell. Which is popular, MPH, harris and Times.
I also have a paper beg for Half blood Price. I will take a family photo of my Harry Potter(s) once i finish reading them. XD
sky2live, *envy* you have those nice nice bag. yep… those 4 bookstore not going to sell harry potter. dun care lar, as long as we bought d. kekeke