Nightmare is soon arrived. My final examination is coming soon. I have 2 weeks of study breaks but one of the weeks already passed. This means, I left only 7days. There are altogether 5 subjects (PNS, basic medicinal chemistry, biostatistics, pharmacology, organic chemistry 2) I need to revise. Each subject has a thick stake of notes. Know what I have done within that week? Sigh… 7 days… I have only finished the physiological part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which consists of 12 lectures. I took 7days to finish this part!!! There are clinical part, pharmacological part and also medicinal chemistry part in only one subject. God… I am really lack of time!!! Kinda fed up. How am I going to finish everything in this limited time??? My brain is saturated with all the notes. Hopefully I won’t forget things I have studied. Please let them stay in my brain until I finish my exam. I need a break; I really need a break before I get mad. Frankly speaking, if someone asks my opinion if he or she should go into this course, I will definitely ask him/her not to go for it. This course is gonna drive you mad with lifeless university life and never ending study route/ daily routine. Well, this is so not me… cz I dislike studying very much. Especially need to use my brain to understand every single thing and memorize them in my heart. Seriously, I have no idea if I have strength and passion to continue with this course. I did terribly in my previous semester. And now I have no eyes to see on this coming exam. Sighhhhhhh….
Sorry that I keep ‘ngam-ngam-cham-cham’ here.

add oil lo… my final is coming too.. sigh…
jiayou jiayou 🙂