Exam’s over!!!
Gosh, I m not tired at all. I have slept for 4 hours (actually less than 4 hours due to the last minute preparation for today’s physiology paper), slept on 3++ and woke up by 6.45am this morning. What to do, exam started on 9am in the morning, have to wake and continue with the unfinished notes and went for exam at 9. Exam finished at 12. Hooray! My exam was over and I felt relief and could smile back happily + stupidly. Hehe… my big smile and laughter did appear. Today was really happy.
I went to neway for karaoke with my course mates @ my gang of friends. We sang and have fun until 6 in the evening. Straightly after that I went home but got scolded by my mum because I have been out for whole long day. Around 7pm, I went out again with my friends and tea after dinner. I never stick to the hours for more than half an hour. Just did my quick shower and changed and rush out again.
Finally, I was home by 11,30pm. Aiks… family members already in bed. Huhu… and now I am online. It’s going to be 3 in the morning here. This is weird, I felt as energetic as before. Let’s count, I guess I already have no rest for over 20 hours. Am I correct?
It’s a good feeling that exam is over and holiday is around. However, my holiday is very short. Sigh…

yi o yi o…visiting…
wei”ur chatterbox shot ady..can’t leave a msg to u…
wei wanna go china for holiday? huyoyo…fun la…exam over n hv ur holiday to china. Jeolousin here la ma,i hv 2 more paper to go!!i wanna meet u all…long time din c ady..i miss u n the rest=)
c ya.tata…enjoy ur holiday=)